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Meth Is No Joke
Citation:   whoami. "Meth Is No Joke: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp116676)". Oct 18, 2022.

  repeated insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated IM Ketamine  
I've been a drug user for over 15 years so about half my life and I've tried over 50 different substances ranging from plant based drugs, to pharmaceuticals, to illicit substances. However, I always (well let's say most of the time) had a very harm-reduction focused approach and most of the times I tried to control my dosage, the set and setting as best I could.

This allowed me to be a functional person and become an highly experienced well paid software engineer and keep a good health condition except a lingering depression that started in my teen years and never dissipated – I wonder why haha.

Even with all the harm-reduction approach, I had my shares of addictions anyway, the worst one being IM ketamine for over 2 years.

I first did meth in the Czech Republic somewhere around 2010. I vividly remember being in a bar and there was a really obvious tweaker chick (the kind of face you see in anti meth ads) that came to me and kept asking me if I wanted some meth. Of course I was curious, even after seeing the state she was in, however I noticed a mean looking guy sitting on a table paying very much attention to our interaction so then I knew he was either her cook, dealer or pimp so I said no.

I did find some in another place but it was a small quantity and I couldn't really make an opinion. I did like it but could not really understand it.

Fast forward 10 years, meth has finally reached my country after already wreaking havoc in other European countries like Germany especially.

It was a funny day when I was reading some articles about the new meth entering Germany from the Dutch labs and I was telling a friend 'man, it's gonna be bad. It's just a matter of time until it gets here'. I shit you not, a few hours later he tells me a guy he met gave him some crystal meth. God damn it.

Of course I asked my friend if he could get me a gram too and he did. Being a trained chemist as well, one of my favorite parts of a chemical synthesis was the purification part where I could grow huge crystals, so I very much enjoyed the crystal he gave me and kept looking at it before I started chipping in.

Just a side note – I am not your usual person on amphetamines. While many people get speedy and go nuts, I get more focused and confident without too much agitation. This is why I've been using amphetamine (not meth) for quite a few years from time to time while working.

So there I was with my crystal and I chipped a piece of it on a plate and crushed it. I made a few lines (I would say about 50 mg) and took one line on each nostril – I don't like taking huge lines in one go, I think it will just clog your nose and it's more efficient to take two smaller lines one in each nostril – that way they get absorbed quicker and more uniformly.

It burned pretty strongly, but I like most burns so it wasn't a big deal. I think about 2 minutes later I started feeling the meth. A warm and pleasant body feeling begun and my heart started pumping.

Please excuse me while I take a line. I need to refresh the memory.

...and back.

It's really hard to describe what meth does to me but I will do my best. It's just very pleasurable, but not in the overwhelming way IV users report, it's a more sustained pleasure over a longer period.

I don't particularly like the effects it has on my heart – it really gets it pumping over 100 bpm, however I do like it makes me not want to smoke cigarettes which I want to quit anyway.

I enjoy music very much on meth and I can use the focus it gives me to really focus on the music and get in a trance-like state I almost transition to other places if I close my eyes. Somewhat like what MDMA does. Right now I'm listening to Charlotte de Witte's New Form 3 mix. It's absolute bliss.

It makes my mouth somewhat dry so I make sure to stay hydrated especially since it also makes me somewhat sweaty especially my palms and feet.

Luckily, I'm not one of the people that gets weird jaw movements from amphetamines so I can't complain about that and compared with simple amphetamine, my muscles don't hurt the next day. Amphetamine always makes my muscles stiff while on it.

Also, compared to amphetamine, meth does not get me in a stupid state I hate when I become really silent and I have no patience for anything and nothing seems interesting. Meth keeps me engaged in whatever I want to do whether it's cleaning the house, writing code, or talking with people. I become way more sociable.

Oh yes, there's the hornyness. This is the perfect sex drug for me. Sex is incredibly pleasurable and I want to never stop just keep going at it like nothing else really matters. In that moment nothing does anyway.

So this seems like a really nice drug, right? All those 'meth not even once' pictures and videos make it look so devilish compared to my experience, right?

Well, no. Meth is devilish.

While I never tried heroin and I'm not really curious about it – not a fan of opiates – I could always have drugs in my stash and abstain from using them with no effort for weeks. I have a strong will and I am pretty stubborn so it's easier for me.

Not so easy with meth, though :)
I absolutely murdered the gram my friend gave me and for the first time in my life I felt an intense urge to keep taking some until it was gone. I did take a few hours at one moment and slept (I can sleep on amphetamines with no real problems, meth too), ate and took some supplements and vitamins. Meth was constantly on my mind in a way. I just wanted to feel that burn again and that high and the sex on it.

Also, one day I took a line then went to a friend and I took two shots (1 mL : 100 mg) of IM ketamine. It was really bad and unpleasant especially since I don't really enjoy ketamine anymore due to my 2 years of abuse. I constantly had a very strong feeling like I had to vomit but I couldn't and my chest was weird. Also the mental effects of ketamine were pretty much describable as chaos. It was fine though after it went away then I went home and continued on my meth binge which fixed me.

I can't say I have bad hangovers especially since I sleep every night, make sure I eat once a day and take various supplements. Never had bad hangovers from amphetamine either. I get horrible hangovers from alcohol which is why I don't like it, only very rarely indulge in drinking.

I did get some craving after I finished my gram of meth but nothing I could not control or that would make me have a bad day. It was there just as a thought and nothing more.

I was happy about the experience: I got to finally understand what meth is about (at least for me), so my curiosity for it will go away especially since it's not yet that easy to get even if it's around. Also I'm very careful where I source my drugs from and I don't meet with anyone.

Well, my curiosity didn't really go away. My friend bought some more and I bought 10 grams from him.

Of course I had to do some that very evening I met with him, even if it was a weekday. I didn't do any during work hours but did a few lines the next evening again, then Friday came and of course I went all in and now it's a Saturday I just woke up and had some.

I did not try smoking it or injecting it since I don't like the idea of heating it and decomposing it and have that gas hurt my gums or lungs and injecting it is not an option as I do not like the idea, never did and never will. I have no problems with IM injections but hate the IV stuff.

I lost about 2 kg in a week so I'm happy about that as I was a bit overweight anyway. I made a deal with my friend that no matter what he will no longer provide me any more meth, as he is my only source for it.
I made a deal with my friend that no matter what he will no longer provide me any more meth, as he is my only source for it.

I am confident that I will be fine and get over it and I can finally understand what this drug can do to a person. Meth will overpower pretty much most individuals except those with a very high level of control and willpower. Even some of those in a way. It's a very sneaky substance, like IM ketamine.

Meth gives me pleasure and makes me confident. Meth makes me feel like I don't need anything else and it makes me want to do more and more. Meth and sex.

While some anti meth materials are exaggerated in my opinion, there is a lot of truth. This drug is capable of taking a perfectly functional person and throw it in an endless addiction. I cannot imagine how it must feel to be addicted to this drug for many years, what it must do to your life, body and mind. It makes perfect sense now why so much of America is affected by it.

My personal conclusion? Meth is a very special drug and a very horrible one. If you have good self control and you don't have an easily accessible source, MAYBE consider trying it once and have some insane sex. But if you have a hard time controlling yourself run away. It WILL break most people.

Meth is no joke.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116676
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Oct 18, 2022Views: 1,249
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Methamphetamine (37), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Sex Discussion (14), Performance Enhancement (50), Depression (15), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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