Figured Out the Simulation
Citation:   Norch. "Figured Out the Simulation: An Experience with Cannabis (exp116691)". Dec 30, 2022.

  smoked Cannabis
I’ve been a heavy smoker for some time but last Friday I took a couple chops after my lecture planning on taking a nap afterwards. While laying in my bed I was scrolling through YouTube when a video popped up that said my struggle with cannabis addiction. For the last month or so I have been getting in my head about smoking so much and seeing this video recommended to me freaked me out a little bit. Then my heart started pounding out of my chest and I began to feel like everything around me was fake
my heart started pounding out of my chest and I began to feel like everything around me was fake
. All my friends, every feeling in my body, every thought in my head wasn’t mine. It was someone else telling me to do these things. I believed my whole life was a video game and now that I figured it out I was going to die. I felt like the smartest human on the planet. Like I knew everything was a simulation.

I walked out of my dorm room went up to my roommate Logan and told him I’m gonna sound crazy but we’re living in a simulation and I figured it out. I told him that they knew I knew and I was about to die of a heart attack. My hands had pins and needles and my body kept twitching. I don’t know who I was referring to when talking about ‘them’ but I was sure I was gonna die. I smiled at him and just said I figured it out. I was about to call my mom and tell her I loved her when he said “is that really a good idea.” I then realized how high I sounded and sat down trying to calm myself down. But started thinking maybe Logan is a part of the simulation too. It felt like they were trying to get me to just forget about what I had realized.

After sitting and arguing with my own thoughts for a while my heartbeat picked up again I was convinced I didn’t have a lot of time so I wanted to drive home from college and say goodbye to my family. I then started thinking that my family was all fake too. I really don’t have much recollection on the event but my roommates told me afterwards I just kept going on about how I figured it out. I figured the world out. Thoughts would loop in my head and it felt like someone was trying to delete my memories. My whole body felt like vibrations were going through it. After telling my friends I was planning on driving home they were trying to convince me to take a nap but all I could think about was that I couldn’t forget about the realization I had. Like the simulation wanted me to think I was just too high and should take a nap. Anyways I ended up trying to take a nap. And laid in bed awake fighting my thoughts for an hour with the vibrations still going through my body.

I eventually fell asleep and woke up very foggy. I still can’t remember exactly what I realized but in the moment everything just clicked. For the last couple days I’m still feeling the after effects of the pure panic and despair I experienced. I just have no idea what could’ve happened. I have smoked the same weed before and I’ve smoked much more weed before but I’ve never had a high like this.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116691
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 30, 2022Views: 268
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Cannabis (1) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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