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Intention Is to Reduce Gastrointestinal Discomfort
Citation:   Psy123. "Intention Is to Reduce Gastrointestinal Discomfort: An Experience with 2C-B (exp116776)". Dec 11, 2022.

15 mg rectal 2C-B (liquid)
Rectal Drug

Set: at home alone

I was born in China, a country with strict drug control. I am very interested in psychedelics, so I managed to synthesize 2C-B. Every time I take a larger dose of 2C-B, I will have gastrointestinal discomfort. So I want to give it rectal. I know that it will be absorbed quickly, and the effect is stronger, which may be 3 times that of oral. Put 15mg of 2C-B hcl and 3ml of water into a syringe and shake it to dissolve.

13: 50 I gave it, a little nervous.

13: 55 I felt a little nauseated and my stomach was uncomfortable. The OEV began to twist.

13: 57A little dizzy. The nausea has increased. The digestive tract discomfort continues.

14: 00 The flash can be seen in the OEV, and the details are enhanced Nothing CEV.

14: 03 Various effects have suddenly increased, including visual effects and discomfort.

14: 10 Visual distortion.

14: 13 I can see the residual track of the object movement, and OEV starts to become obvious.

14: 16 The discomfort became stronger and stronger.
The discomfort became stronger and stronger.
I could hardly bear it, but I didn't vomit during the whole journey. OEV was very strong.

14: 20 In order to relax, I listened to Le Cygne, which made CEV more obvious: under the black background, I saw that the rotating and symmetrical complex stripes were mixed with yellow and green, which was very clear, rich and changeable. The visual effect could be more or less controlled by thoughts.

15: 00 CEV and OEV are colorful The color of OEV is not as obvious as that of CEV, but the texture is rich. When I look at a pattern, the fractal texture unfolds according to the outline of the pattern, which is very rich. The emotion is magnified, and everyone in my mind is friendly. Writing can keep focus. The room is a little cold, so I tremble. The trajectory is more obvious, and the thinking can keep normal. I drank water and felt that the water in the cup and in my mouth had been fractal in the same way. I tasted this texture and my way of thinking was also based on this texture.

From 15:00 to 16:46, the effect gradually weakened, and the discomfort gradually disappeared, but the mind was still racing.

17: 06 The effect is very weak. There is still the afterglow of happiness and thinking. At this point, introspection begins.

My original intention is to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort through this way of administration, but it has been strengthened. The visual effect is somewhat different from oral administration, and it seems that there are more fractal patterns.

In the whole process, introspection was not my goal, but it was inevitable at that time. I had a new view of myself and the universe.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116776
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Dec 11, 2022Views: 344
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2C-B (52) : Alone (16), General (1)

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