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Good Vibe, Though I Was at a Techno Festival
2C-B & Amphetamines
Citation:   blssb. "Good Vibe, Though I Was at a Techno Festival: An Experience with 2C-B & Amphetamines (exp116817)". Dec 9, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:40 3 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:30 1 line insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
Before anything, I want to apologise for any spelling mistakes, it’s been a while since I don’t write in English.

So, I went to Amsterdam to visit a friend in 2018, I’ll call her Cristina from now on, and also go to some parties since it was ADE week [Amsterdam Dance Event week]. When I arrived, she asked what I wanted do buy and I was amazed that in Amsterdam the dealer would send you a menu through WhatsApp (I’d never seen something like this by that time).

Also, in those years, I was really into ket, it was usually the only drug I’d buy (the city I lived in at that time didn’t have much more than ket, cocaine and speed tbh). However, when I saw 2C-B in the dealer’s menu, my eyes shined.

The thing is, even though I almost never do hallucinogenic drugs, they are 100% my favourite drugs. I’ve read about 2C-B before, but in my mind it was a pink powder that had LSD and cocaine effects. I was young, thought that this could be possible (?) and as I said, the city I lived in hadn’t that much variety of drugs, and I had always been an “let’s try new drugs” enthusiastic.

So we read a bit on internet and we knew that the medium dose was between 9 to 12mg. The dealer told us he had only 3mg pills, no powder. We bought 8 pills, 1g of speed in case we wanted to calm the effects if it was too strong and went to the festival. I was really excited and happy, mindset and setting were perfect for me
I was really excited and happy, mindset and setting were perfect for me
(my best friend, good music, trying a new drug I really wanted to).

The thing is, that it was actually an afterparty, from 9am to 11pm. We arrived there at 11am, both of us sober. Passed through the control and before arriving to the stages, decided to enter a chemical bathroom and took 2 pills each. That was 6mg. Cristina was 2 years older than me, but we had the same body type and had eaten the same thing for breakfast.

Watched and danced to an amazing dj set from a dj that I really liked by that time. In the middle of the set, 30 minutes after we took the pills, Cristina told me she was feeling weird (she had never taken hallucinogenic drugs before). I said she was probably just a bit anxious and she looked at me, really seriously and said: “I’m feeling weird”. Ok, we went outside, bought some water and sat at a bank. I couldn’t care about how she was feeling, I just wanted to feel something also, so even though she said she was feeling weird, I decided to take another pill 40min after I took the first dose. In the end, 9mg for me, 6mg for her.

We decided to go back and dance a bit more and 20 minutes later I started feeling it also (1h after the first dose, 20m after the second). However I wasn’t feeling weird, I was feeling as if LSD was starting to hit. I asked Cristina if she was feeling OK, but by that time she was feeling amazing, laughing a lot, enjoying the music and dancing. We stayed at this stage for one more dj set and then decided to change to another stage to see other DJs.

I imagine it was around 2pm (2h30 after we took the first pills), there was a lot of people already, mostly young people on MDMA (not the typical crowd I was used to), and that’s when the visual hallucinations started. And they didn’t stop.

I was calm, cause I had a lot of good experiences with hallucinogens before (and I’ve been taking LSD since I was 15 years old), but it was too heavy. The faces of the people were all deformed, I was seeing people with three eyes, horse faces, but it was fun, I couldn’t stop laughing. I wasn’t scared, but really spatially disoriented
I wasn’t scared, but really spatially disoriented
, there were three stages and I couldn’t remember how to go from one to another. Cristina was really high too, but a bit less, and would guide me everywhere.

At one point, I realised I was at a techno festival just laughing about people’s face and not dancing at all, so I decided to go to the bathroom to make a line of speed to see if the hallucinations would stop a bit. Cristina went with me and did a line also. But it was like nothing. Big line of speed, I couldn’t dry it well cause I was too high for it, the chemical bathroom seemed to have it’s own life and it was moving, and making me feel a bit fizzed. When I would go to the bathroom it would be the only times I’d feel uncomfortable with the hallucinations, and a bit anxious. By that time I started seeing mandalas everywhere. Everywhere. Like everything had moving mandalas patterns. My skin, Cristina’s skin, the plastic walls of the chemical bathroom, the grass, the sky, the bars, my cup of beer (we drank like two cups of beer each and water, not enough to get drunk or to affect the 2C-B effects I think).

When the night came, I think it was around 6pm, I decided to take another line of speed. Big line, again. Cristina didn’t want one, she was good. Once more, it didn’t stop or calm the hallucinations at all. At this point, I just assumed I’d be seeing mandalas everywhere and that was it. Good laughs, mandalas, the sky looked beautiful, I was with this really good friend having a really good time, whatever the party and the music. We'd met some people, and Cristina was able to make some friends and talk to them, but I couldn’t speak in English anymore, I only could speak in Spanish (and it’s not my mother language), and only with Cristina. I was a bit antisocial, but that didn't bother me either, I was high in my way.

After 9pm I think the hallucinations calmed a bit, and I was able to dance a lot and focus more on the music and the lights. It was an amazing moment for me.

The party ended, it was far from Cristina's house, we walked a bit until we were able to grab a taxi. By the time we arrived at her place, I think we were feeling almost sober, it was a similar sensation as an LSD calm down. No hangover the next day, and I was able to sleep normally around 1am even though I’d had two big lines of speed (I really struggle sleeping after a small line of speed, so no idea of what happened).

I really enjoyed the experience and since then I’ve been trying to find 2C-B pills in my city, but I could never find anything else than the pink powder that’s actually ketamine and caffeine, so I prefer to stick to classical white ket and not pink tinted.

I’m really used to LSD and mushrooms, but this was definitely the strongest hallucination trip I’ve had. Even though it was amazing for me, if I could go back, I’d stick with only 6mg. Also recommend not do it at a techno party lol

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 116817
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 9, 2022Views: 408
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Amphetamines (6), 2C-B (52) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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