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Excellent LSD Substitute
1V-LSD, Noopept, Amphetamines (Adderall) & delta-8-THC
Citation:   Themadpsyentist. "Excellent LSD Substitute: An Experience with 1V-LSD, Noopept, Amphetamines (Adderall) & delta-8-THC (exp116819)". Dec 12, 2022.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 20 mg sublingual Noopept (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00 37.5 ug sublingual 1V-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 4:30 37.5 ug sublingual 1V-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 5:45 37.5 ug sublingual 1V-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 5:45 20 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:45   repeated vaporized delta-8-THC  
  T+ 6:00 37.5 ug sublingual 1V-LSD (blotter / tab)
Background & Intro:
I am a 29 year old male, average height and weight, 5'11" and 170lbs. History of heavy drug use of various categories, I consider myself an avid substance lover, with tendancy to go on long term binges. I have had a few instances where I became horribly addicted to a substance, mainly opiates. For that reason I have remained clean of them for about 10 years now. I find myself fairly able to manage all other drugs, though alcohol makes me a raging asshole. I have done tons of LSD and MDMA in my teenage years, as well as various other drugs, cocaine, psilocybin, benzos, ketamine, etc. As a young child I was very impulsive, I would steal alcohol and cigarettes from my parents in 5th grade, and started chugging cough medicine at about the same age. In fact I had a long binge of Dextromethorophan use in 6th grade that led to me getting caught.

Anyway, leading into adulthood my drug use continued, I have always loved stimulants and psychedelics and it seems that has somewhat always been part of who I am. At age 28 I got diagnosed with level 2 autism spectrum disorder, without cognitive or language impairment. (I have an above average IQ but very poor functioning in social situations, I am extremely impulsive, and simply can not handle my emotions a good deal of the time.) I do believe greatly that a good amount of my healing has been through a combination of psychotherapy and microdosing.

Setting and substances:
On this particular occasion, I had been using my prescription Adderall for about 6 months straight with very few days off. I take 1 20mg instant release tablet twice a day, though some days instead I would take 1 20mg and then only 10mg for the second dose. However on this day I did take 20mg in the morning and then 2 more 10mg doses later on. I also had been using noopept powder, randomly for a few weeks. So on this day I did do a few sublingual doses of noopept before I took my dose of 1V-LSD. I live with my girlfriend and her dad, and she is super cool but doesn't usually do psychedelics, her drug of choice is benzos. She was actually unaware that I had purchased the 1V-LSD, I didn't tell her because I was worried she'd try to tell me not to, and I am impulsive and literally couldn't help it. I found out that a certain lab that I am very fond of had recently left some breadcrumbs, and I followed them right to a wonderful new vendor. I tossed and turned in my bed for weeks thinking about it before I finally gave in and purchased this substance that I was unaware at the time would be my new favorite psychedelic.

I had my 1V stored in a plastic bag in a box in my closet for a few weeks now, patiently waiting to try the first dose. It had been a particularly long day, and my girlfriend's son was leaving for the weekend to his dad's. We live with her father and he owns a business so he is usually home, but he told us he would be out super late this night. At about 1pm after her son had left, I decided it was time to surprise my girlfriend with the 1V. I just said hey do you want to do some acid, she said well maybe but it's far (thinking my normal source) but then I just pulled out 5 hits from my wallet and she looked stunned. She was at first kind of mad, but she's understanding and I told her "you would have stopped me from ordering it, and I bet your going to have a good time." After explaining that 1V was just an LSD prodrug, and that it's made by a reputable source, and that the V stands for valeryl, meaning its LSD and valeric acid. She understood because she is chemically inclined like myself, and she was willing to try it but she wanted me to take mine first and then after an hour she would take it, in quarter doses. And so we began the experience.

I decided that I wanted to take my hits in quarters as well, because I did not want to get too far ahead of my girlfriend. I had taken my Adderall at approximately 10 am, and it was now 2pm. I also took about 20 mg of noopept throughout the morning. Anyway, it is now 2pm, I feel great but I'm wanting to trip, I put the 1/4 of a hit on my tongue and let it sit until my ADHD gets the best of me and then I chew it and swallow it. It has no flavor, but burns a tiny bit, the same as pretty much all LSD blotters I've had.

I start feeling a familiar lysergamide high, a slight bit of goofiness coupled with a mild empty nauseous feeling in my stomach. I decide it's safe to take another 1/4, and do so.

Feeling very good, insane body high which I can only describe as euphoric, sharp and tingly, and almost like a full body tickle feeling, I just want to fall over and laugh. No distortions yet but things feel mentally super odd, my usual LSD come up feeling. We decide to try to go to a local garden center.

We arrive at the garden center and my girlfriend can't get me out of the car. During the drive I realize I'm way too fucked up to talk to anyone who doesn't know I'm on acid. The sky is swirling, the trees appear to be stretching toward the sky. I venture inward after being talked into it by my girlfriend. The entire time spent in the store is maybe 5 minutes, I kept losing track of where I was and becoming scared once I realized there where sober people. The flowers and plants all appeared to be moving in and out of each other and simultaneously stretching toward the sky. We leave and go back home.

I get back home and feel much better, euphoric again, so I take another 1/4. My girlfriend then decides to take her first 1/4, she also calls over one of her friends which causes me anxiety because I'm seriously anti social. Her friend has a new boyfriend who neither of us had met yet. For the sake of the report we will name her friend C and her boyfriend Y. Because of the anxiety of C and Y coming I promptly pop a 20mg Adderall after taking the most recent 1/4 hit. I have been dabbing all day but it's been a while so start taking some dabs of delta 8.

C and Y arrive, we all greet each other and they take a full hit of 1V each. I also take my last 1/4 hit and my girlfriend take her 2nd 1/4. I'm feeling better now that I have met Y and he seems okay, and the euphoria of my Adderall combined with the 1V nicely.

We all decide to order pizza. I can barely work my phone, after a long debacle I finally manage to order it.

I start to become disoriented and hungry as if I'm dying. We all agree the 1V has made us unreasonably hungry.
We all agree the 1V has made us unreasonably hungry.
I worry I may have ordered the pizza to the wrong address, I become emotional for a moment till my girlfriend calms me down and says it's only been about 20 mins. I try to check the status but can't work my phone, someone helps me and we find out the pizza is on the way.

Pizza arrives, I can't answer the door so C does. The pizza is absolutely delicious but hard to swallow. I eat about 4 pieces in just a couple minutes, calm and peace finally return to my body and mind. I am relieved I didn't starve to death, it seems unreasonable now, but I was literally in tears over the food.

It's starting to get dark, we've all had a good time laughing and talking. C and Y have been tripping really hard because they took theirs all at once. My girlfriend only took a half and is still insanely messed up. At some point I look at this painting we just hung, it's a collage of random texts and pictures made to look like a scene at a swimming pool, with someone diving in from a diving board. For about 20 seconds the painting pretty much consumed the entire room, I could see and hear the scene in the whole room. I heard laughing and splashing and everything was blue like the pool. Over the rest of the night the other paintings in the house were the most intense part of my trip. The lines would swirl and consume each other and move off the paintings, one in particular looked like a swirling vortex, and no matter how much I tried to make it stop it never would, the entire night that painting has the same effect. Hands down this was the most visual trip I've ever had off of 1 hit of acid. I attribute a lot of this to me taking 2 different potentiators with my dose, as nobody else wound up being as visually consumed as I was. Everyone else did have a wonderful 10/10 trip though. I was able to fall asleep at about the 12-14 hour mark after my first 1/4 tab. I slept great into the late morning and had a wonderful afterglow for days. No muscle spasms and no negative body effects except ravishing hunger and mild nausea.

1V is my new favorite lysergamide, I absolutely love the effect, the consistency, everything about it is wonderful. I wouldn't even notice a difference between 1V blotters and classic LSD. I have microdosed with it many times and found it to be pretty much exactly the same in every way.

[Erowid Note: The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since the 1960s. Although confusion associated with newer psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term "acid" to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language.]

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116819
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Dec 12, 2022Views: 2,120
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delta-8-THC (956), Amphetamines (6), Noopept  (579), 1V-LSD (957) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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