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Liquid Personality
Citation:   anonfoxer. "Liquid Personality: An Experience with Caffeine (exp116868)". Dec 29, 2022.

120 - 240 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
I am an individual who once habitually consumed caffeine to survive school, then who stopped using it to drink it recreationally amongst friends, and who now drinks it on the weekends to make it through late night work shifts. I think of all my experiences with it, the latter two are the best, but in all instances I've always claimed that energy drinks are liquid personality for someone like me.

Insofar as drinking recreationally, I do think that if I'm going to intake a large amount of caffeine (120mg+) in a short time period, social events are the best place to do that. Whenever I get together with friends, I typically bring an energy drink. I have it through our time together, and it makes me engaged. I talk in conversation, I crack jokes, I act spontaneously, I engage in random acts of kindness, I'm more generous, I feel better, I feel happier, I feel like a better person to be around, especially as I'm a very introverted person otherwise. Social amounts of caffeine in large doses are fun experiences.

As far as surviving work, I think my opinion has shifted. I like caffeine as a social drug, not as something I need to depend on. As much as it does help my late night midnight shifts at work, I only work weekends at the time of writing, and would not want to be pounding these things down my throat in 30 minutes time (especially when I'm usually intaking 160-240mg at a time) day in day out, I learned from school that this can get boring, unpleasant, and expensive. As much as the same effects that happen to me when I use caffeine socially occur when I take it at work, I sometimes do just want to shut up, put in my earbuds, and work until I go home. Which is hard to do when I wanna keep talking.

But, all in all, there's no real major downside beyond dependency and the fact that dependency can get expensive.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116868
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 29, 2022Views: 241
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Caffeine (11) : Glowing Experiences (4), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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