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Seems Like It's Getting Better
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   anonymous. "Seems Like It's Getting Better: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp11688)". Erowid.org. Dec 15, 2020. erowid.org/exp/11688

2 hits oral Salvia divinorum (dried)
Second Experience With Salvia

This was my second time smoking Salvia and it seems like it's getting better and I can't wait for the next time I try it. My friend had packed his new vacuum pipe with a bowl of Salvia and let me do the honors. I switched it on and took a long draw from it and held it as long as I could. 'Something is pulling me away' I thought to myself as I raised the pipe again. I felt the feeling the first time I smoked but I had no real trip. I looked at the pipe for a second and switched it on again and took another huge hit. The feeling of being pulled returned, this time more severely. The feeling was all along the back side of my body, but not my face or chest but I felt comfortable.

I looked at my friend and told him that it was taking me away. Now the pipe disappeared and I looked in the corner of the room and it began to slowly spin up and I was sliding very slowly towards the wall opposite me. And as it was spinning, I looked to the right and saw that I had choices (thoughts) for the room. Every time I would think of something the room would very slowly start spinning into that, but my brain was going so quickly it just started spinning in and out to different things. Whatever I was thinking, the room was trying to relate to that and since I was thinking so quickly it never manifested into a single one.

I then realized the problem, there were lights in the room that slowly changed color and with each color I associated something. The only one I remember was the lightest color and it made me think of a beach, and for a moment I was on a road on the beach driving down it and to each side of me were palm trees. But the lights kept changing colors and I lost the scene. But the spin that I was watching manifested itself into a palm tree. But it was just in the shape of a palm tree. The cool part was I could still see the room crumbled up in the tree.

Then I looked over and saw my friend and he asked if I wanted more. I took a hit but nothing changed. I was too caught up. So I gave him the pipe back and told him to be quiet. He handed me a pillow in case I needed to cough and as I held it I closed my eyes and realized that I was holding life in my hands (in the pillow) and looking into it. It had three different scenes (this is all blurry to me). In these scenes were different people and I felt like I was the keeper of there realities. Whoever was in that life that I was looking into was controlled by me, and without me that life could not exist.

Then reality returned and everything was normal and I immediately stood up and felt awake and refreshed although physically I felt strange. It was a memorable experience although I think is was a mild one. But Salvia definitely got my attention and proved to me that it worked. I truly believe now that it is important to have good surroundings when doing Salvia. The changing lights hindered my experience somewhat.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11688
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2020Views: 673
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Guides / Sitters (39), General (1)

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