Wild and Transcendental
Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   Subsonic Amphibian. "Wild and Transcendental: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp116919)". Erowid.org. Jan 4, 2023. erowid.org/exp/116919

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
    oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
Wild and Transcendental Edibles Experience

This doctor prescribed Paxil (Paroxetine) for me because he believed that my sleeping problems were the result of anxiety. I was on it for about two and a half months. I didn't have any side effects, although I was on half the dose that I was on during this experience for all but the last one and a half to two weeks of that period. I believe I was on 20mg. of Paxil during the experience, but I'm not certain of that.
I believe I was on 20mg. of Paxil during the experience, but I'm not certain of that.

Someone on a forum had recommended marijuana edibles as a cheaper and more pleasant alternative to Salvia for an out-of-body- like experience. When I started the thread, I made no mention of substances, but was open to them. So I ate the edibles (half a brownie and most of a cookie) without a forethought of what it would be like to be very high in the setting I was in, but I was in a good mood at least, and ready to try something new. I was at a diner early in the morning, and there were no other customers there at the time besides my table.

Within half an hour, I started to feel a sensation of heat. Not my body so much as the actual booth, which seemed so hot that it was uncomfortable to sit on, and so I crouched beside one end of the table as I ate my food. The next thing I remember, I started having frequent and very intense heart palpitations and I saw in a horizontal line across the center of my field of vision the golden silhouettes of a line of shopping carts, each with a baby in the seat and an old fashioned bomb in the cargo bay. The color of this was like the visual imprint you get when you look directly at a lightbulb and then close your eyes or blink rapidly. Next the bombs disappeared, but my concern was my heart because, honestly, I thought I was having a heart attack. And so the server called the paramedics and I lied down on one of the booths. Shortly thereafter, the sensation of heat had gone away and I was starting to feel a little more relaxed and less afraid of dying, since I knew that help was on the way.

In the ambulance, at first I was focused on talking with the paramedics, but when that was finished and we were on the move, my attention shifted to the ceiling, and this was when the really interesting stuff began. The ceiling, to me, resembled the tatami floor of a Japanese dojo, and all the while I had a constant feeling of upward movement, like I was in an elevator constantly ascending. After staring at that for some time, I then proceeded to look out the rear windows, and all I saw were pine trees, and, believe me, there were no pine trees. Again, I had a feeling of constant upward movement, but this time in a spiral motion rather than straight up. In these two instances, I had a feeling, not of being out of my body, which I have experienced before, unassisted by substances, but of being at one with what I was looking at because I was so transfixed by it and so captivated by the sensation of movement. It was as if there was nothing else in existence. That, I would say, was the best part of any experience I've had with substances.

While at the hospital, they injected me with some kind of sedative, and I don't remember seeing the nurse or the needle, only a red laser shooting into my arm from one of the rolling machines they have in ER rooms. Then, I'm not sure if I was having lucid dreams or hallucinations while in a barely awake state, but I found myself and my hospital bed in the middle of various movies and video games. The final one I remember distinctly. The fellowship from the end of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was standing around me and laughing, while I noticed that my right arm was now made of gold and was thanking them for it. Then I came to.

I left the hospital and alternated between moments of clarity and confusion before puking like crazy and then being, from what I understand, very high for the rest of the day, although I have no memory of it.

While I wouldn't say that I gained any insight from the experience or that it changed me in any way, it really was something, and those moments in the ambulance staring at the ceiling and out of the windows were worth all of the fear and displeasure of the trip.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 116919
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 4, 2023Views: 317
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Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Combinations (3), General (1)

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