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Immersive Infinite Geometry
Citation:   Kid Charlemeg. "Immersive Infinite Geometry: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT (exp116928)". Jan 13, 2023.

25 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT
(25 mg, oral) ++++
Heavy dose yielded strong visuals and serious time dilation. 4 hours felt like 40 hours of otherworldly immersive geometry.
Passive of time marked by two distinct portions of the trip: heavy body-load on giggly come-up with uncanny speediness. Second portion of trip was closer to my experiences with other tryptamines (DMT, psilocybin).

STRONG organic visuals, completely integrated with all aspects of my vision. Distinct from DMT in that I never left my body, but visuals resembled DMT. First time trying a 5-Methoxylated tryptamine, but I wonder if the total dream like state has anything to do with its similarity to melatonin structurally.

Dosed on a moderately empty stomach with my two roommates on a calm, beautiful sunny afternoon. Started noticing effects about 20 minutes after ingestion, similar to psilocin come up (without the sloshy feeling in the stomach that I often get with mushrooms). Brightened colors, heightened appreciation of nature. The sunlight illuminated the trees, and the rusted roof of an old house that we passed by seemed to come alive like a Van Gogh painting.

When we got home about 10 minutes later, another layer of this stuff unraveled. Now I felt the serious body load, comparable to MAL, albeit less speed-y. My heart was racing, but I felt like my body was disconnecting from my mind. I wanted to do everything but could only manage to lie down. Alternated between shivering and sweating, giggling and energetic, with the desire to talk that MDMA brings. Then the second phase of the experience started. This felt more like a standard tryptamine. It felt like I had one foot in DMT-land and one foot in reality, while on MDMA.
It felt like I had one foot in DMT-land and one foot in reality, while on MDMA.
I watched spiraling infinite fractals on concrete, having a euphoric realization of the impossibility of the existence of anything I was currently experiencing.

I was excited and full of ideas that I wanted to talk about, but I couldn’t remember any idea long enough to articulate it. Though I was flooded with visuals and rapid stream of new ideas, I could not entirely surrender to the experience due to the constant urge to talk or try to do something.

Minimal appetite suppression. Difficulty sleeping 7-12 hours after dosing. Felt fine and was particularly productive at work the next day. Should mention that I took 30 mg of MDMA the night before, and had not consumed a 2A agonist in a month up to this point.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116928
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 13, 2023Views: 337
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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