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He Offered to Guide Me...
Citation:   hunter t. "He Offered to Guide Me...: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp116996)". Erowid.org. Feb 22, 2023. erowid.org/exp/116996

3 hits smoked 5-MeO-DMT
    smoked Tobacco
    smoked Cannabis
[Erowid Note: While the author reported the substance used as 5-MeO-DMT, they seem to conflate NN-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. These substances have different effects and dosages. Most often the error made is that the term "DMT" is used as shorthand to refer to 5-Methoxy-DMT. However, because of the ambiguity in the substance name, it is uncertain whether the author is speaking about 5-MeO-DMT throughout this report or not. See 5-MeO-DMT is Not "DMT".]
40mg Synthetic 5-MeO DMT, Smoked in a Bong ...

This is my first actual written trip report, it's not gonna be so good so please try to be light and allow me slight patience as my intention in writing this is for personal reasons. I'm just a stupid 19 y/o from Halifax whos into shooter games, anime, rap, old school, new school, and all that cool shit you feel meeee...

Yesterday I tried smoking 30mg in a banger, I had no idea just what I was getting myself into, and couldn't fully get into a trip because I got distracted shortly after taking the rip, but that does not mean I didn't at least take anything from my mistakes though.

Some people would see that as a way to step back because at this point, to an average stoner and shroom lover like myself, even the lightest feelings and indescribable out-of-embodiment-ness this magical alien drug gives you, would've sent anyone directly away from it, however, I woke up this morning knowing I'd get it right this time.

The end of the night comes by, I got the DMT from my plug, and I hopped on discord straight away. I'm very new to this so my reason for going onto discord was to attempt to find someone with higher knowledge and experience with DMT than me, and that is exactly what I found. It could be that I know where to look, or just know a fucking DMT head when I see one, but it only took a few clicks in the mainstream discord chill VCs to find someone who looked like they knew what they were doing. I met this dude, I won't name him because I just met the fuckin' guy. He told me he trained under a Brazilian shaman and practiced guided meditation. He had also told me he had grown his shrooms, made his DMT, etc. In the past lol so I knew I found my guy.

We talked for a while and when I finally felt like I was on a friendly level with this dude, he offered to guide me through the experience, and of course, I fucking said yes lmaooo if u were me you probably would too don't lie ah ahh... Anyways.

He began guiding me into a deep meditative state, something he told me he studied called "transcendental meditation" and it was truly amazing. He spoke my mind into this peaceful state where I felt truly detached from my body, and after 20 minutes or so of meditation, he reassured me I was in good hands.

I proceeded to hit my bowl. We packed it beforehand, and he showed me exactly how to smoke it out of my piece; enough green to nest the DMT in the hole, DMT in the middle, and then a tiny bit of tobacco on top of the DMT to use to heat it.

He got me to just lightly tap the flame of my lighter onto the tobacco, and burn slow, even if I tried I couldn't breathe all this shit in a single hit.

The taste is so fucking familiar, like super fucking odd. Like some shit, I'd smell looking through my grandmothers' spice drawer or something I'd smell in a swamp. The first hit was kinda like "oh shit this ain't so bad? I think?" and then halfway through the second big hit I was thinking "oh my fucking god what the fuck what the fuck the fuck" and although I was a little panicked, I was already $45 down and not willing to lose another trip so I gave my ego a kick to the fucking curb and let go.

I took my final big hit and this is my last memory. I put my bong beside me and laid back comfortably in my lazy boy recliner, the absolute most bomb stoner chair to ever touch this planet, I remember as I was coming up, feeling like there was some sort of Aztec chant being played around me, I held my hands together though and I focused on not existing if that makes any sense. And that is what happened.

Could have been 30, could have been an hour, but regardless for some extended period of time today, I, hunterspharmacopeia 19M, did not exist in this reality. I do not remember a fucking thing
I do not remember a fucking thing
LMAO. When I was coming back into consciousness I was standing and I remember just looking at the ground, in absolute awe. The only words I could even gather together to say were "wow... You are fucking awesome man." He told me we had some rocky parts of my breakthrough, I don't remember it, however, he was trained by a shaman and told me he had sensed that in the middle my heart chakra had begun to be unsure of what to do, he told me that it was not that my heart chakra was weak, but that it was just very unsure of what to do when put in that moment. My aunt is extremely spiritual and even since birth, she's always told me about my strong heart chakra.

He told me I got up in the middle of my trip and looked at my hands asking myself if I was real, trying to hold on, however, I have no recollection of this at all, as I was blasted deep into the other side.

He guided me through the entire ego death experience, I have never felt anything like this in my entire life.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 116996
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 22, 2023Views: 282
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Guides / Sitters (39), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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