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A Relaxed Afternoon
Syrian Rue
by l3x
Citation:   l3x. "A Relaxed Afternoon: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp117000)". Jan 31, 2023.

2 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
Form: 2g seeds, crushed, simmered in water with some lime juice for 30 minutes, strained, sweetened, diluted

Dietary preparation: none, even ate some tyramine containing foods (MAOIs can interact badly with some foods)
Prior experience with substance: 1g, same form and preparation

Mood: somewhat tired, a bit hungry, curious for the experiment, no specific expectations
Location: At home, alone

Important: It is generally discouraged to ingest seeds bought from a store. It can always be the case that the seeds were treated with certain chemicals which could cause harm to your body. So either make sure the seeds were not treated or use the seeds to grow the plant itself and then harvest the seeds from the plant. Or, be a dummy like me ant take the risk anyway. I’d advise against that, though.

I tried 1g of Syrian rue (peganum harmala) seeds a couple of days ago and couldn’t really pinpoint the effects. I planned to take 2g of seeds next time and here I am. I have some free time at hand and decided to make the experiment today. There isn’t any clear goal apart from relaxing and figuring out this substance better.
There isn’t any clear goal apart from relaxing and figuring out this substance better.

I crushed two measured grams of Syrian rue seeds with a mortar until the substance is mostly powdery. I then poured one and a half cups of water into a small pot and added three tablespoons of lime juice (didn’t have lemon juice). I then heated up the water to the boiling point. Once boiling I added the powder and reduced to a simmer. I let the mix simmer for roughly 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes of simmering I turned off the heat and poured the remaining liquid through two sieves stacked on top of each other into a tea cup. Added a good amount of honey and then some extra water. Without the honey and the extra water the liquid is extremely bitter. Even with the honey and extra water the liquid is pretty awful to drink. But it’s doable, I’d say. At least for me.

T+ 00:00 Drink the liquid with a few gulps within a couple of minutes. It feels a bit upsetting to the stomach. Starting timer and the movie “Brian and Charles” to relax.

T+ 00:10 Decide to watch that particular movie some other day together with my girlfriend. Relaxing not yet possible. Settle on “The Bad Batch” (awesome movie!).

T+ 00:20 A kind of nice feeling is noticeable in my chest area. A kind of soothing calm.

T+ 01:00 Still feeling nice, a bit dreamy as well, maybe. What’s good: So far no unpleasant physical side effects.

T+ 02:45 Still feeling good, kind of lazy. A sense of detachment. Not sure if that’s related to the seeds.

T+ 03:15 Now that the movie is over and quite some time has passed, I can clearly feel that my perception is altered. It’s hard to describe, really. I feel relaxed, detached, a drunk-like buzz and have a somewhat unsharp sight. It’s quite pleasant but also feels a bit strange. I don’t feel very engaged or motivated, just really relaxed and, for the 100th time, somewhat detached.

Syrian rue has interesting effects and I’ll probably experiment some more with higher doses in the future. Start low, go slow and take your time. Also, make sure the seeds are not coated with toxic chemicals.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117000
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 31, 2023Views: 213
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Syrian Rue (45) : General (1), Alone (16)

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