A Feeling I Know Too Well
Citation:   Sweaters. "A Feeling I Know Too Well: An Experience with Modafinil (exp117027)". Erowid.org. Feb 23, 2023. erowid.org/exp/117027

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Modafinil  
  T+ 5:00 2 tsp oral Coffee (edible / food)
I sit in my room with my laptop after consuming a tablet of Modafinill 200mg. I am curious how this compares to other stimulants. I was recently diagnosed with narcolepsy, I used to be addicted to everything under the sun and got sober approx. 18 months ago. I am familiar with overall stimulants and not being too drastic with the report.|

T0:00 - I consume orally a 200mg tablet of Modafinil on an empty stomach.

T0:15 - I feel something different, I don’t think it’s a placebo effect. I feel this feeling at the bridge of my nose that is all too familiar to me when stimulants start to kick in. I have a sudden urge to think of my thoughts before I type them. I feel more empathetic than I was 30 minutes ago. I think I’m going to make my bed and vacuum.

T0:30 - I am without a doubt more awake. I don’t feel as lethargic as I normally do. I have the energy to do things. This is nothing like amphetamines where you’re running around wanting to talk to everyone. I have this inner dialogue in my head where I can think of things, process them and understand them. This is nowhere near amphetamine stimulants.

T1:00 - I am wide awake but don’t feel tweaked out. I do feel a similar “coming up” that I felt with Adderall but it isn’t as intense.

T1:25 - I just feel awake, I don’t feel this false sense of confidence and reality. My hands are pretty cold, I feel it is dwindling. The main goal is to prevent me from sleeping during the day and I can attest that the idea of sleeping right now seems silly. I am focused and more concentrated without that tweaked rushed feeling.

T2:00 - This stuff must speed up your bodily functions because I have had to use “the bathroom” twice now. My appetite isn’t as suppressed as I thought it would be, I was kind of hoping it would be.

T2:40 - I don’t feel as awake as I was, I don’t think sleep is possible right now. I am not having sleep attacks as I normally would. I think I was expecting something more as I used to be addicted to stimulants. There is still something cognitively happening in my brain.

T4:00 - This is the longest time I haven’t had the urge to fall asleep. I do have a heightened sense of smell. This is not like pharmaceutical amphetamines where I have a false sense of confidence and synthetic euphoria. I feel completely normal but just awake. I was concerned about potential addictiveness but I can now understand the low potential.

T5:00 - I feel the medication is still working but the effects are slowly tapering.
T5:00 - I feel the medication is still working but the effects are slowly tapering.
I forgot that due to my narcolepsy, I would consume caffeine daily. I feel what is a miniature onset of caffeine withdrawal and I drink 8oz (two teaspoons) of Folgers instant coffee. I am eating a bagel which I have to force myself to do. This isn’t like amphetamines where I'm not hungry, the problem is I am hungry and recognize my body telling me it is but I just don’t have any appetite. Things that used to interest me don’t interest me anymore, I don’t feel as impulsive as I used to. I miss the old me, but I can’t go on having these sleep attacks.

T6:30 - Something really weird happened when I had an anxiety attack. I have never had anxiety before. I could feel my heart pulsating and my vision changed. I think this might have triggered a traumatic event from my IV Cocaine days when I’m aware of my heart pulsating too much, I get scared as it brings me back to a time I almost OD’d. I believe it’s psychological and not chemically related to the medication.

T8:00 - I feel stable right now, I don’t feel that nasty bitter dirty comedown I feel with dextroamphetamine. This did the trick, it kept me awake with no signs of sleep attacks.

In conclusion: The come-up is somewhat pleasurable but not as euphoric as other stimulants.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117027
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Feb 23, 2023Views: 328
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Modafinil (217) : Unknown Context (20), Medical Use (47), First Times (2)

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