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Crystal City
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   Greg K. "Crystal City: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp117028)". Erowid.org. Feb 21, 2023. erowid.org/exp/117028

30 mg vaporized DMT
    vaporized Cannabis
I followed the instructions from my friend and took a single hit (DMT mixed with Marijuana Flower administered with an oil dabber), held it in and released. Took an additional hit, held it in longer and released, and finally as I felt myself getting heavier took a third hit and held it in.

I sunk back into the recliner and begin to see at first a purple color that encompassed my vision (my eyes stayed closed) this purple vision gave way to a myriad of colors and geometric patterns that fed into each shape, it morphed and moved and became a new creation. About this time I heard a sucking sound it got louder and louder until I was launched from my body moving so fast it was startling but exhilarating. The time of my flight was so almost instantaneous. I am doing my best to describe things that cannot be described in our human form. It felt like great speed and suddenly I was surrounded in a realm of others who also shared the same shape as myself. I had become an orb and could see omnidirectionally. Around me, behind me, and as far as I could see which was basically anywhere I wanted to no matter where my orb was. We all were specific colors but weren’t transfixed to one idea. We changed colors like a pulsing and like a dance that we were all sharing a specific communication. Again, hard to explain on our terms here on Earth.

What we were moving towards was the most impressive and beautiful creation that I have ever seen. It was not a static form. It was a crystal city imbued with light and was constantly changing its shape but maintaining a central orbit. It was a city and made of crystals. As I came closer there were hallways and walls and rooms that began to take shape. In one room there was a ballroom and there were many dancing and moving in unison in multicolored clothes but had a basic humanoid form. There was an understanding of joy and peace and life so full (my friends said I began crying). There was a library ahead of me and it was covered in books that scaled the ceiling to the floor which seemed fathomless. There were figures appointed to or ascribed to their care. I moved on and came across a short stairway and a train station. One that took form of something I would recognize. In fact it was dark with less light in this area. And I was alone. A feminine voice, one I ascribed to as being God but again how can I convey what I heard from a being outside of this realm, asked me if I was getting on. I silently ascended into the car and the doors closed. I was told that if I continued I couldn’t go back. Also I was told I would no longer remember who I was and who I loved in this realm. Kind of ominous but still I didn’t want to change a detail to make this seem a better trip. I find that in its entirety it is the best thing I have ever experienced. I audibly said,”I love my son, Grayson” which was the beginning of my trip back to reality as we know it. I felt a tunnel vision begin to occur where a dark fog was the peripheral until it blanked out everything. This was replaced with being aware of the sounds of the television playing and my friend Andy having his hands on my shoulders and asking “if I was alright”. For fifteen or so minutes I balled up onto the recliner both laughing and crying at the same time. Exclaiming, “It’s all real!” “It’s all real.”

I have taken a lot of psychedelics, but nothing compared to this experience. It was the most real and most proof I have ever received that we are not alone and that we are going to eventually be reunited in a place like that. This experience changed the way I see myself, how I treat people. It was effective in creating a path of forgiveness for myself and for those who harmed me. I literally was transformed because of this experience. It was so finite with a result I have never returned with DMT. I create DMT, we all do, one way is to do breathing exercises and meditation so a little of that can return. It is all I need. Thank you for reading.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 117028
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Feb 21, 2023Views: 247
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DMT (18), Cannabis (1) : Entities / Beings (37), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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