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Pleasant Sedation
Amanitas - A. muscaria
by l3x
Citation:   l3x. "Pleasant Sedation: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp117035)". Erowid.org. Feb 20, 2023. erowid.org/exp/117035

5 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (tea)
Form: 5g, amanita powder/flakes, simmered in water with some lime juice for 30 minutes, strained
Dietary preparation: none, rather full belly
Prior experience with substance: some, mostly eating the dried powder (no additional ibotenic – muscimol conversion)
Mood: tired and somewhat sleep deprived
Location: At home, alone

I was a bit tired from a long night before this one and had a somewhat full belly from eating too much dinner. Apart from that I was feeling alright. Not the best, but also not the worst.

I prepared the amanita brew by simmering 5 grams of ground powder in one and a half cups of water mixed with two tablespoons of lime juice for 30 minutes. The lime juice is supposed to increase the pH value of the water and therefore allow for a better ibotenic acid to muscimol conversion. I don’t have a pH meter and don’t know whether the amount of lime juice was alright. But I’m quite positive that it helped to a certain degree.

After thirty minutes I poured the brew through a sieve into a big cup and added a Turkish apple tea bag before putting the cup into fridge. After the brew has cooled down somewhat I started drinking. I was a bit worried whether the tea bag would make the brew even worse but it worked quite well, masking the strong “mushroomy” flavor of the amanita to quite a degree.

T+ 00:00 Started drinking the amanita brew

T+ 00:15 Finished drinking the brew. I ate some pieces of chocolate to cover the aftertaste.

T+ 00:35 It feels like the amanita brew reduced my exhaustion somewhat. I feel a bit more awake and also more relaxed in general.

T+ 01:25 Feeling really relaxed now, with heavy eyes. Apart from that no effects or negative side effects.

T+ 02:00 The feeling changed from sleepiness to a nice feeling of high. No visuals or visual distortions. As I’m looking around in my living room I feel somewhat detached, in a good way. I’m watching a very good movie, by the way: Triangle of Sadness. And as I’m typing these words in LibreOffice Writer I can see that my perception is slightly altered. The letters seem a bit bigger than usual and somehow more present.

T+ 02:50 It does not seem to get any stronger. I’m experiencing a pleasant high, right now. Lazy eyes, heavy body, relaxed mind, somewhat detached with nothing really bothering me (I kind of worry and ruminate a lot, so that means something). The movie is over and I’m looking forward to going to bed. I’ve read many times that Amanita Muscaria works a lot while you’re dreaming, so. Maybe I’ll also have some interesting thoughts and pictures in my head.

T+ 03:00 Went to the toilet before sleep. While walking I noticed that I’m quite off balance. Also, looking at myself in the mirror feels a bit strange. I look somewhat different. But I’m not sure what it is. Feeling good still and going to bed.

The next day I woke up just fine and well rested. I had some dreams but I wouldn’t call them extraordinarily vivid or anything.

Overall I really like the sedating effect of the Amanita and I’ll try again, next time with a higher dose of 8 grams.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117035
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Feb 20, 2023Views: 347
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : General (1), Alone (16)

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