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No Tolerance Noticed
2C-B & 1D-LSD
Citation:   Le Chiffre. "No Tolerance Noticed: An Experience with 2C-B & 1D-LSD (exp117039)". Feb 19, 2023.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
  T+ 14:00 225 ug oral 1D-LSD (blotter / tab)
2CB Evening and LSD Next Day: No Tolerance Noticed

I had a number of experience with psychedelics (2C-B and LSD) both at parties setting and in quiet, meditative introspective settings.

The experience I describe is about a week-end where I wanted to test the cross-tolerance between 2C-B and LSD, by taking 2C-B in one evening for dancing and the next day LSD to relax in the hot pools of a thermal bath.

Setting for the evening, a small club with techno and psy-trance music.

T 00:00 (10:30PM) - 20mg 2C-B oral on an empty stomach. Very important for me when taking 2C-B and MDMA orally. Last food eaten at 4PM. (About doses, please read note at the end)

T +0:45 (11:15PM) Noticeable effects.

T +1:50 (Midnight) Peak. Setting was a club. Open eye end closed eye visuals, good energy for dancing. No trouble moving around and doing stuff. Head is clear, and thoughts are steerable, typical 2C-B like.
No trouble moving around and doing stuff. Head is clear, and thoughts are steerable, typical 2C-B like.

T+2:00 Visuals, especially closed eyes visuals are very strong and beautiful. Music sounds amazing.

T+ 4:30 Effect start to fade.

T+ 5:30 The main effects are gone, especially the energy is gone. Tiredness in the body, visual and hearing still there is some very nice after glow. For longer party one can use the option of redosing at say T+3:00, again, depending on the own sensitivity.

T +6:30, at 5AM Went to bed and fell asleep immediately.

Next day. Slept without problem for six hours, until 10 AM and have breakfast.

T+ 14:00 225 micrograms LSD (one and a half 150 micrograms 1d-LSD)
Setting: thermal bath, with large pool, indoor and outdoor, greenhouse with palm trees.

T+ 15:00 Come up.
T+ 16:00 Full effects are there.
T+ 17:00 The effects reach the peak. (3 Hours after dropping the tabs)

No tolerance from 2C-B from the day before. The effects and the overall level were like if I had not taken 2C-B the day before. One slight difference, the headspace was is not as strong yet. This might be the afterglow of the 2C-B.

T+ 18:00 (four hours after dropping) The headspace is now fully there, together with beautiful visual and auditory effects.

T+ 22:00 The effects, (visual and auditory) start very slowly to decrease but still there.
T+ 23:00 Around midnight, lying in bed. Feeling relaxed and chill but sleeping is impossible.
T+ 25:00 (at 2AM) managed to fall asleep.

Bottom line:
- No tolerance noticed, taking 2C-B the night before and LSD after one light of sleep.
- I should have dropped the LSD earlier in the morning to avoid having trouble with falling asleep.

Small appendix about substances and doses:

About the 2C-B doses: be careful with 2C-B! It is a great substance but a bit tricky with dosing because small difference in amount give relatively large differences in the experience. Additionally, everyone reacts to it differently. And more 2C-B does not mean more fun, it can become a very unpleasant trip if I take too much. 5mg difference can make a big difference. I arrived to decide that 20mg Oral (or 10g, buffed) are good for me after gradually increasing during the first experiences.

The 2C-B tabs, I know the content because they were tested recently in my area. The 1D-LSD comes legally from an authorized producer and vendor, so the amount is exact and the substance reliable.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117039
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Feb 19, 2023Views: 584
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2C-B (52), 1D-LSD (970) : Combinations (3), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Various (28)

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