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Super Disoriented, Imagining People
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Citation:   throwaway. "Super Disoriented, Imagining People: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) (exp117051)". Feb 14, 2023.

250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Light DPH trip

This was my first dph trip. I smoke weed daily and I’ve done shrooms and nutmeg a couple times. I also did some pretty heavy research on dph before I decided to use it, which I highly recommend. My trip was pretty mellow but I was definitely delirious.

11:25 - 10 (25mg)
11:35 - headache, gotta pee brb
11:47 - tired, feels heavy, on call w chris and joe
11:49 - tired n feeling stoned
11.52 - music is good, currently feels like indica
11:54 - so tired
12:00 - thought I was watching tiktok, phone was not in hand and eyes were closed - beginning of closed eye hallucinations
12:10 - threw up, might be bc I feel sick anyway? Either way prob threw up most of it so this might be the end. I feel sober rn

(Forgot to record after that so from here on is what I remember)

12:30 - ok so definitely not sober anymore. Very disoriented, tried to go to bed, couldn’t sleep, pretty sure I sat up and said no a bunch but I don’t remember, could not remember where I was in position to my bed? Like I kept thinking I was laying down parallel to my headboard when I was in a normal sleeping position. Idk it was weird. That happened like four times over the span of what felt like two hours but was probably five minutes
Probably around 12:30-1:00? - all I remember is being in my room/talking to me (not super visual, just auditory and closed eye hallucinations - mostly my friend in my bed talking to me) not being able to sleep, wanting it to go away, fell asleep

I felt hungover the rest of the next day. Overall not as nightmare-ish as some other dph trips, but I do not plan on doing it again any time soon. I am glad I didn’t see any spiders because that would have made my trip a lot worse.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117051
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 14, 2023Views: 369
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Diphenhydramine (109) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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