Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Mind Blowing Trip
Citation:   shmzz. "Mind Blowing Trip: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp117134)". Oct 19, 2023.

2 hits sublingual NBOMe Series (blotter / tab)
I was quite new to psychedelics when this trip occurred, I had tried a nice dose of LSD, only to the point where we laughed a lot and freaked out over trees etc. I had also tried MDMA occasionally on weekends and mushrooms. Prior to this trip I had been in hospital for a surgery on my sinuses. I was in hospital for 4 days to recover. During the 4 days, a really close friend at the time (Jess), thought he’d surprise me when I get out of hospital with some LSD. The day I got back from hospital, Jess rocked up at my door that afternoon around 1:00pm. He handed me 2 tabs and we agreed to take only one that night and save another for a few months later. Jess is the type of guy that would rather trip alone, and he had more experience than me when it came to psychedelics. So I trusted him. He advised me that I should try a trip alone, so I thought, ‘f*ck it.’

Around 2:30pm only an hour and a half later that day, I was chilling in my room, playing games on my PC. I decided, why not just drop a tab now, I’ll order out for dinner so I don’t have to face my parents too much during the trip (which they were completely unaware of). I put the tab under my tongue and immediately it was so bitter and gross. I called up jess, tab still in my mouth. I’m like “bro, this tab tastes like shit right?” He hadn’t taken it yet so he says to me “I had dirty hands from work when I touched the tabs, that’s probably why it tastes like that”. He works on a farm so I thought it made sense at the time and we had no idea what nbome even was. About 10 minutes after taking the so called ‘LSD’, I looked at the mirror on my wardrobe. I felt gross looking at myself, I was quite confident with how I look usually, however only 10 minutes after taking the tab, I felt disgusted at myself for no reason. I felt dirty. About 20 minutes in, I had lost perception of time, I still wasn’t visually hallucinating, however I just had some gut feeling that it was almost night time. All I was doing for this 20 minutes was playing games. I ended my round on call of duty and decided to drop another one, because in my mind, it felt like it had been hours since I swallowed the tab, and I wasn’t feeling much. This one was also bitter but I pushed through and kept playing my games.

It was probably around 3:30-4:00pm that day, I started feeling really fast, energised, awake. I lost all motivation to play anymore, so I decided to just listen to drum and bass music and lay in bed for some reason. As I’m listening to this fast paced music, I start to really loop out. This is so hard to describe the feeling, but I forgot what my room looked like, even though I was in my room. It was like my room was a piece of paper that had been folded in half, and I was living in the middle of the paper. The more I thought into this. The more my room would fold, my PC which was on the left of me, would end up somewhere above me, then next to me, then around me. It was a massive loop and I was starting to lose all logic left in my head.

I tried turning off the music as if that was the stimulant which caused this, I tapped and tapped everywhere on my phone to try and turn off the music, my phone screen was just this piece of digital thing? I gave up, and I felt my body start to vibrate. Slow vibration in my whole body quickly became fast vibration. I felt something squeezing my body all around until everything slowly faded into black. I’m still able to think, and look around in this darkness. This blue 2d thing of energy tries to communicate with me.
I felt something squeezing my body all around until everything slowly faded into black. I’m still able to think, and look around in this darkness. This blue 2d thing of energy tries to communicate with me.
In comes a pink 2d thing of energy, shaped like humans, but definitely not humans. At first I couldn’t understand them. But then I gradually start to follow them around in this strange world. At the time, all of this somehow felt normal, these things of energy were just as amped up as I was. Vibrating really fast, as was I.

Most of this world I fell into is a blur to me to this day, however I remember some oddly realistic situations during this trip. I remember having an end goal of some sort. If I reached this goal, I would be basically god or a very high power in a sense. I end up waking out of this darkness, and back into my room. What I had just been through was so intense that my folded up room began to look normal. I thought the trip must’ve been wearing off. I get off my bed, and stand up for the first time in what felt like years. As I stand up, I realise it was a really dumb idea. The whole room begins to start buzzing out of my vision, so I quickly lay back down on the bed. My computer screen, my phone screen, my TV, all stood out in my vision. I started off not being able to see screens at all, and now it felt like that was the only thing I could see.

I panic and call a childhood friend. At this time he was a crack addict and had tried a lot of drugs. I still had no idea what I had consumed so I called up to make sure I hadn’t taken meth or something by any chance. I couldn’t even remember the fact I put a tab on my mouth, all I knew was, I’m tweaking, and I need help. He reassures me I definitely haven’t taken meth, but it may be some sort of fake acid. We talk for a while, he try’s to get my mind to a more calm state, which was achieved, but I still felt a really quick vibration through my body. I decided to google what i may have taken. I just typed into google exactly how I felt in that exact moment. Immediately, the first thing that pops up, ‘nbome overdose, teen dies’ something along those lines. I start researching nbome, as I am tripping on the nbome, and I was sure that, 25i was exactly what I had taken.

I decide to get into bed and watch some funny videos to keep my mind occupied until I slowly fall asleep. At this point my memory becomes a bit blurred as to what actually happened. Slowly but surely, it comes to night time. I look at the time, it reads about 1 am, but it looks bright as day outside. I’ve been watching memes for a long time I thought to myself. I look at the time again, it’s 1pm the next f*cking day?! I’m still tripping absolute balls, but I’m gradually getting used to it. I call Jess up, and he is also still fried out of his head. We were these disgusting creatures who hadn’t slept and were just speeding through life at this point. We have a friend who we would smoke weed with regularly, she also had been sold this nbome unknowingly also. We had no idea of this yet so I asked a friend for a lift to her place to calm down a bit and told Jess to come. We were close enough friends to rock up at each others houses whenever. When I arrived, it was immediately noticeable the way she had handled the trip. She said she felt so dirty and gross, but she never wants to leave this place in her head. I personally was eager to leave this place. I packed a small bong and got dropped back off home.

Another night of no sleep but I was getting super tired. The last day of the trip, everything was very peaceful, the buzz had gone, I was still hallucinating, but it felt like there not a thought left in my head. I felt so empty but peaceful. I kinda went through this whole day, reliving the past 2 days and still being a bit bugged out. I knew I’d fall asleep soon though, I wasn’t sure if I’d wake up, all I knew is I would be asleep for a while. It eventually came to that time where I could do nothing but sleep. I slept all day, woke up at night, easily went back to bed, woke up midday the next day around 3pm feeling empty, completely empty and devoid of anything left in my soul.

For months after this trip, I was quite delusional, I started not being aware of anything around me really, as I would consistently lose track of what I’m doing and bump into random things, became horrible at speaking, slurring words every time I said a sentence. I had this trip on my mind for months after. To be honest, after thinking back and reading up on research chemicals, I’m not even 100% what I had taken was 25i. I’m still not sure if anyone else has ever had a 3 day trip from an nbome.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 117134
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 19, 2023Views: 15
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25I-NBOMe (542) : Alone (16), Multi-Day Experience (13), Post Trip Problems (8), Entities / Beings (37), Music Discussion (22), What Was in That? (26), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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