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A Trip to the Eye Doctor
Citation:   tryptakid. "A Trip to the Eye Doctor: An Experience with DMXE (exp117163)". Sep 29, 2023.

2 bumps insufflated DMXE (powder / crystals)
I was alerted to the floaters in my field of vision a few days ago, and they had become increasingly bothersome. I started to note that visual phenomena such that I was experiencing may be indicative of a retinal tear. A retinal tear can lead to sudden and complete blindness. That was not something I was interested in doing.

I came home from work, and as it so happened, a packet of DXME had just arrived. As retinal tears are considered an eye emergency, I asked my wife to accompany me to the emergency room so that I could get this visual distortion I was experiencing, investigated.

Once we are brought into the exam room you have some time to sit. Anyone with substantial ophthalmological experiences knows how dissociative an experience an eye exam is.

Well fuck.

Sniff... Sniff...

It is important to say this, do not mix recreational substance use with legitimate medical practices in ways that they are unintended to be mixed. It can result in ethical dilemmas or medical catastrophes. If you chose to do so, it better be for good reason.

I insufflated a dose of DMXE into each nostril with a pencap, and prepared to have my retina photographed. It was really quite fun, there isn't much to it. I felt very at home with the strange art that ophthalmology seems to encourage for decor, the dark rooms and hyperreal digital X readouts that I had to follow. I got to take a picture, of a picture, of my eye. I was able to maintain coherent conversation with my medical providers, something that I do not think would be possible with a drug such as ketamine.

I do not wish to encourage this practice, but I do believe that the fields of psychedelics and ophthalmology have quite a bit of unintentional camaraderie that should be cherished and celebrated.

In the end, my ocular disturbance was unremarkable, but my evening was anything but.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117163
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 29, 2023Views: 16
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DMXE (926) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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