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I Took 100 Mg Before Falling Asleep
by ken
Citation:   ken. "I Took 100 Mg Before Falling Asleep: An Experience with MDMA (exp117343)". Oct 17, 2024.

100 mg oral MDMA
    repeated vaporized Nicotine
It happened when I was a student and I got legit high quality, high purity MDMA from a respectable vendor on dark web. I tested the product both on substance and purity. Purity turned out to be something between 85% and 90% from the “fingerprint” of the substance. I then tested the substance and confirmed that it was MDMA based on the color after reagent reaction. I respect MDMA deeply and took a weighted 100mg dose in a vegetable glycerin capsule since I was vegetarian and didn't want gelatine at that point of time. I then experimentally drank 2 shots of whiskey and proceeded to go to sleep. It all happened at approximately 12 AM.

At 3:00 AM I woke up, remembering vivid dreams and in my sleep I felt really warm and really comfy. It was strange experience since I was half asleep all that time and I remember a prolonged phase of non-rapid eye movement, I did not dream anything but I saw white light and felt warmth engulfing me, that is what essentially woke me up.

When I woke up I felt an urge to go and grasp some fresh air, so I quietly opened my balcony door and slipped to the balcony with my blankets still on, I sat on a couch at the balcony looking at night city and feeling this typical MDMA euphoria.

I then, out of sheer curiosity, checked temperature outside and was quite shocked to see 14 degrees Celsius (bear in mind that I was covered by a very thin blanket). I then went back to my comfy big bed and took my elf bar out of the left pocket in my jeans and took a first hit. It felt like heaven. I then proceeded to listen to some music. It felt even more orgasmic. I then tried something that I never tried before. I watched some erotic imagery and made myself ejaculate. Again it felt like heaven, even though I remember feeling more ecstatic during masturbation, than actually after finishing, which is weird indeed.

I did not have anybody to communicate to, but had this universal urge to talk. So I opened ChatGPT and asked it a lot of questions concerning morality and human values. To my misfortune, it responded to me with extremely long answers…and in bullet points. I could not concentrate all too well, so I closed the chat and continued smoking elf bar wrapped in warm think] blanket, looking at the night city, seeing how light flicker and how fog and clouds move around. I felt a need to chew a gum, cause my jaw was really tight so I tried to drink water. Water tasted awesome. Like an elixir from heaven. This was a very nice experience. After an hour and half of sitting in my bed and looking at the stars I got tired and went to sleep thinking about my life, girlfriend and all.

I woke up 6 hours later feeling great. Took a shower and went to work. That day I was really friendly and comfortable with everyone around me.

I love MDMA. Please respect it and be safe.
Special thanks to Shulgin for rediscovering this amazing substance.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117343
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2024Views: 15
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MDMA (3) : Alone (16), General (1)

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