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Journey to the Biggest Fear
LSD, MDMA & Ketamine
by Oxy
Citation:   Oxy. "Journey to the Biggest Fear: An Experience with LSD, MDMA & Ketamine (exp117461)". Oct 12, 2024.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:30 120 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:00 70 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 8:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 8:10 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 8:20 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00     Vitamins / Supplements  
TLDR: Two nights ago had the first K hole, by mistake, and was sure that I lost my mind.

Candyflipped with my wife (we are mid 30's) and decided to add ketamine for the first time at the end.
Candyflipped with my wife (we are mid 30's) and decided to add ketamine for the first time at the end.

Our setting is sexy outfit for my wife, galaxy projectors, lots of coconut oil for MDMA and music (trip hop, chill and sexy RnB).

After 3 months break we did the following :

T 0 - 200ug LSD (2x100ug dr seuss tabs)

T +3.5 - 120mg and 110mg for her

T + 5 - 70mg and 60 mg for her

T + 8 - started snorting ketamine - 3 lines of 50 mg spitted around 10 min apart.

Not eating 6 hours before we started

The night was magical as always, with pure love and the deepest connection possible. All the time we are saying it is the best one and we are doing it from almost a year back. The trick is to have supplements during the candyflip and two weeks after only NAC and 5-HTP. I will not go into details of how the candyflip was, because there are so many. It is pure love and bliss. We are not doing MDMA without acid anymore.

The interesting part start from the time we took K.

I did ketamine before, one line each time, only for a buzz. My wife never did it before.

After the first line, when we were together kissing, hugging we felt that we are connected at atoms level and we were in the middle of the universe. Actually the universe was building around us. We planned only one line, but it felt so good that I wanted to keep the feeling a little longer and add one more line. This one connected our souls, it felt like we were not on this planet anymore, but still conscious when we wanted to disconnect.

I don't know how and why, I hardly managed to make another line of 50 and that was the end of our reality.

I've read lots of trip reports and safety measures about all the drugs I was doing, but in that state of love and connection, I forgot everything and was looking to go longer a little bit deeper.
I've read lots of trip reports and safety measures about all the drugs I was doing, but in that state of love and connection, I forgot everything and was looking to go longer a little bit deeper.
Didn't plan to K hole, but it happened.

After the 3rd line my wife was laying in bed and relaxed, going relaxed and without any fear through different imaginary places. She said afterwards that she traveled through space and time, different patterns flowing one after the other, some very fast, others moving slowly. Although, she went through some disturbing and even scary images, she somehow remained calm, but she still doesn't know if she moved or talked during the trip. All led to an image of still crystal water, giving her the feeling of peace, gratitude and happiness. But as I was laying in front of her I suddenly lost the reality. I was not prepared for a K hole. From our bedroom I went through different realities, places from my memories and my life, extremely fast. But all the time, everything was starting from the bedroom. It was something like Interstellar when he was lost in space.

I have quite a lot of knowledge about psychedelics, and told all the safety measures to all my friends using. All the time mentioned to everybody that whatever happens, it will pass, even if it is a bad trip accept it and just explore it.

The problem right now, was that I was not prepared and everything was so real. I had the same hallucinations with closed and open eyes.

Looping continuously through realities from my life, trying to hold on to the actual reality and never managed to. I told my wife that I lost my mind and don't know which is the reality, I couldn't hear anything, neither the music that was playing. This felt like forever.

For some time I was 100% sure that I lost my mind and this is how a schizophrenic is feeling. I was worried that my wife it will need to take care of me and our kid for the rest of her life.

I don't know how long it took, from the time we started ket and until we were back to our reality, it took around 2.5 hours.

At a moment I tried to walk, I am not sure if I was actually walking or not, but I was feeling like a teddy bear, not being able to bend my legs or arms. After a few steps went back standing on the edge of the bed and accepting that I lost my mind. Suddenly all the looping realities stopped and I could see them all around me. It felt like I was floating in a box where all the walls were full of places from my life. I was actually in peace, but still shit scared.

After some time in there, when I opened my eyes. I couldn't see clear at all, everything still morphing and unclear, but somehow it was clear for me that I am coming back to my actual reality. It was fucking liberating.

After that we came back and we were so tired that we fell asleep immediately.

We had only 3 hours of sleep. But the next day was extremely good. Better than any normal days.

Because we are following the guides for using supplements during the candyflip and after, we never had a bad day, only blissful and chill days.

I had a period of my life when I had depression and anxiety due to burnout and my biggest fear at that time, was that sooner or later, I will not handle it anymore and I will lose my mind. This was few years ago. As a generally anxious person it will not go away 100%, but it is very, very rare when I have episodes of anxiety and when it happens, I can easily control and accept them.

This K-hole brought me very deep there in my subconscious, showing me one of my biggest fears.

Right now I am not afraid at all of anything and actually feel much better, fully enjoying all the parts of my life, together with my family.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117461
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Oct 12, 2024Views: 15
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LSD (2), MDMA (3), Ketamine (31) : Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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