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Meth, Wow, What a Lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Citation:   foolish lady. "Meth, Wow, What a Lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp11751)". Nov 23, 2004.

Everyone is doing it, lets party, lets tweek this weekend. Yah, right.

I first got introduced to meth quite awhile back. I remember when i first used, how good it felt. All my worries were gone, or so i thought. In the beginning i snorted, then it built up to smoking, then the final high i had to try INJECTING!!!!!!!!!!! Thought i was really living the good life, until one day i ended up in the hospital, in the cardiac arrest room, i thought i was overdosing or dying. Whichever, it was scary. I have experienced panic attacks so bad ever since that day. So basically, havent been my old self ever since. So that was enough to scare the hell out of me to stop.

Well then came the day, where i felt brave again. But i justified using by not injecting but just smoking meth. Wow, what a rush again, or so i thought. Little did i remember about the depression i have suffered when coming down. All the gloomy, hateful thoughts came crashing back. Its not worth feeling like dying from using this shit. I know better than to put myself through that misery, but as an addict knows, you always make excuses. Meth has been in my life for so long, i am tired of the rollercoaster ride. What a big lie, its not worth feeling like shit for a high. Meth is the devils tool defineltley. I find it hard to say no to. Very powerful stuff.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11751
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 23, 2004Views: 5,649
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Methamphetamine (37) : Health Problems (27), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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