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Bye Bye Sex Addiction
Citation:   Pintus. "Bye Bye Sex Addiction: An Experience with MDMA (exp117558)". Oct 13, 2024.

  oral MDMA
  20 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
A little background of who I WAS in 2017.

Experience with other substances: nitrous oxide (a few times), cannabis (daily), tobacco (daily), alcohol (binge drinking on occasions).

Personal problems: very shy boy, impossible for me to approach any girl, so I got a severe sex addiction and I went to prostitutes at least 2/3 times per week.

Setting of the experience: nightclub in Milan, New Year's Eve.

Me and a friend of mine entered this techno party in Milan at 01:00 AM to meet the new year (2018), with the clear goal of getting some MDMA.

We bet we would find it, so to preserve the purity of the experience we didn’t drink any alcohol nor during dinner neither after entering the disco.

After about half an hour dancing and having fun we saw a group of people drinking together from a little water bottle, so we asked if they were taking MDMA and by chance had some for us too.

Bingo! We got our bag, dissolved it in a bottle and drinked it all.

T +01:00 h

A warm wave is going through my body, colors are very vivid and I start feeling music on my skin. At this time I was very concentrated on myself and my sensations, like I was alone at the party, and feeling that the party was held just for me. I felt special.

T +02:00 h

This is when the full empathogen effects kicked in. All of a sudden I found myself dancing with strangers as the synesthesia grew stronger and stronger and I could now literally definitely see the bass, medium, and high frequencies of music in the air. When I went outside for a smoke the sensation was that cigarettes amplified the effects of MDMA and like renewed the experience.

T +02:00 to T +05:00 h

Dancing like there’s no tomorrow and having fun.

The day(s) after

When I went to bed I assumed that after waking up in the morning I would feel some kind of hangover symptoms like mild depression and dizziness but to my surprise I felt very calm, confident and with very positive outlook on future in general.

And here it comes the very important part of the story: since this experience, that was meant to just be a fun experience, my mind changed completely about girls, sex and relationships and I naturally stopped going to prostitutes without any effort!

This was not my goal but somehow happened and my brain was rewired.

Thank you MDMA for changing my life for better with just one hit!

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 117558
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 13, 2024Views: 15
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MDMA (3) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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