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Helped Me Appreciate This Masterpiece of Art
Citation:   femcel. "Helped Me Appreciate This Masterpiece of Art: An Experience with DMXE (exp117582)". Oct 22, 2024.

50 mg rectal DMXE
Boofing 50mg DMXE and Watching Madoka Magica

Trip Report

I decided to boof 50mg of DMXE, a novel dissociative RC that I ordered online, and watch Madoka Magica, a popular anime series, in the evening after a stressful day. I had experience with 2fdck before, but this was my first time trying DMXE. I have no disso tolerance. I was alone in my room and no one knew I took this drug. I used an AI chatbot to document my experience and communicate with it throughout the trip.

T+0:00 (9:11pm): I boofed a 50mg of DMXE pellet dissolved in water. Some of the pellet material got stuck in my syringe and I spent some time trying to save it (I couldn't 😞).

T+0:01: I felt something hitting me very fast. I realized I forgot to take my antihistamine (for motion sickness)
I realized I forgot to take my antihistamine (for motion sickness)
and went to look for it.

T+0:03: I couldn't find my antihistamine with my potato IQ and gave up. I hoped I wouldn't get nauseous again. The effects were hitting hard. I was afraid of looking like a drunk in front of my mom.

T+0:04: I felt dizzy and weird, like I was mentally going through a rollercoaster.

T+0:06: I turned off the light and decided to listen to some psytrance music.

T+0:07: I felt mentally weird and couldn't explain it.

T+0:09: I felt like the static noise in my ear was getting louder.

T+0:10: I noticed the dissociative effect of feeling sensations weirdly, like my own face.

T+0:12: My head felt like it was twirling and the effects were very noticeable. There was no placebo with this drug. I wondered if DMXE had visuals and what to think of while meditating.

T+0:13: I listened to PSY-TRANCE ◉ Creeds - Push Up (Luminatix Remix) and it fit the vibe perfectly. I imagined it would be amazing in a club. I physically felt very clumsy but mentally clear.

T+0:17: Visually, I had the Alice in Wonderland syndrome, where I couldn't tell the size of objects very well. It was like seeing a picture when looking at an object. My fingers felt numb but at the same time normal. Moving too much was nauseating. I ripped out a nasty fart (I felt like this was caused from boofing).

T+0:26: I decided to play Mario Kart but changed my mind because I was afraid of getting nauseous. I set a 30-minute timer and meditated instead. My sense of time and space was fucked.

T+0:37: Meditation was weird. For the first 10 minutes, I kept getting distracted by doing stuff on my PC. Then, I decided to meditate for real and when I closed my eyes it was like I couldn't feel my body. I just felt like a consciousness. It was like nothing except my own consciousness existed (like just my train of thoughts). There were no visuals, just random in-your-face mental images of ideas and memories that made no sense. Meditating felt a bit awkward because nothing really happened when I closed my eyes, whereas with psychedelics my mind goes all sorts of crazy directions. Reshifting myself on my bed also felt weird, like I was moving my body through space or water.

T+1:14: The effects were wearing off. It didn't feel like the world swooshed when I turned my head.

T+1:24: The physical effects were mostly gone but the mental effects were still there.

T+1:33: Compared to 2fdck, there wasn't much difference except maybe 2fdck was more nauseating.

T+1:37: Felt grateful that as a random nobody 20 yo autistic girl loner with no friends or connections, I was able to have an experience like this just by ordering some niche stuff online.

T+1:41: Started watching Madoka Magica and it was amazing. It felt like I was in the room with them. The art was so trippy and profound. The voices sounded like they were speaking directly to me. The effects from the screen sometimes looked like they were in real life. All the metaphorical lessons in the show felt so profound.

T+2:49: Finished Madoka Magica and it was the best anime ever, the best piece of art I've ever witnessed. An awe-inspiring story about the power of lesbian love. Felt amazed by how it was made and almost felt like a prophecy made it.

T+3:59: The effects were almost completely gone, except for some mild Alice in Wonderland syndrome when going to the toilet or moving around.

The next day, I still felt a bit disoriented and nauseous. I had no afterglow, maybe quite the opposite. After using psychedelics I feel like my mind is reset in a good way, like when you close the dozens of tabs on your PC after finishing an essay. I realized I should have prepared better by actually using the antihistamine I bought for nausea. This is not something I'm going to do on a whim anymore.

This trip was very weird. It wasn't really euphoric or fun, just different. It enhanced my appreciation for music and media, especially Madoka Magica which blew my mind. It also made me feel grateful for being able to experience something like this. It was like a mini psychedelic trip with no real visuals and more dissociation.
It was like a mini psychedelic trip with no real visuals and more dissociation.
I don't think I'll try dissociatives anymore (for a while) but I'm glad I tried it.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that I chose to watch Madoka Magica because I knew it had very creative and visual fight scenes, but I could never get past the first episode when I was sober because it felt incredibly boring. However, on DMXE, it was a completely different experience. I was immersed in the story and the art, and I felt a deep connection with the characters and their struggles. I also realized a couple of episodes deep that it was an extremely depressing anime, but on dissos, I found it near impossible to feel depressed or anxious. I did feel sad at times, but in a good way, like I was empathizing with their pain. If I watched that anime on psychedelics, it would have triggered very bad thoughts for sure, and I wouldn’t have been able to watch it. So, in a way, DMXE helped me appreciate this masterpiece of art that I would have otherwise missed out on.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117582
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 22, 2024Views: 15
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