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FX-Meh (First Experiment White FXE Batch)
Citation:   Damion1567. "FX-Meh (First Experiment White FXE Batch): An Experience with Fluorexetamine (exp117671)". Jan 16, 2024.

  repeated insufflated Fluorexetamine (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: All samples of material sold as Fluorexetamine (FXE; 3-Fluoro-2-oxo PCE) and analyzed by Erowid's DrugsData service have contained other compounds, usually 2-Fluoro-2-oxo PCE.]
ROA Insufflated
Non stim batch
Solid large white crystals. Purchased it 2022/2023 North America. Very hard to crush and they don't crush up as fine as ketamine does.

I know there have been several batches of this floating around, I hope this helps sort out which batch I have if anyone is more "in-the-know" than I am on these things.

9:15 25mg (estimated)

9:25 minimal threshold effects.
Tastes similar to ketamine but stronger.
Mild but manageable drip.
No heart rate increase.
75bpm before dose, 80 bpm currently.
Slight tactile enhancement.
Feels similar to the come up of Molly or phenibut.

9:43 15 MG (estimated)

9:50 noticing some headspace shift.
Still suuuuuppperrr functional.
I could go to a store right now.
But definitely crossed threshold dose.
Buzz so far isn't exactly like ketamine.
I've heard it described as "sativa ketamine"
So far that is the most accurate wording I could pin on it.
Mild so far, keeping it light as I'm just starting to explore the substance.
Definitely more tactile.
Instead of feeling less sensation I can feel my clothes more.
Reminiscent of microdosing MDMA with a weed edible.
Maaayyybe some vision lag, hard to tell. If so it's minor at this point.
Not much noticeable visual effects yet.
Headspace is super clear. No brain fog, zero confusion or dissociative thought patterns. Yet.

Still super mild. Slight visual lag.
Feels weirdly similar to coming up on MDMA.
I'm very chill, but not nearly as sedated as I would be on ketamine.
Though the dose I'm on is half of what I'd ketamine wise.
So far it's not as "melty" or warm as R isomer.
But not even close to as sharp of a buzz as S isomer.
Is clearer headed than racemic ketamine.
Still aware the peak is quite delayed.
So trying not to judge a book by its cover.
Some minutes I'm kinda high, some I'm kind of sober feeling.
Slightly skewed spacial awareness.
My phone looks both huge and tiny at the same time.
Generally when I start to lose spatial awareness I have vision lag, close to double vision and a whole slew of other head space effects.
But I'm very present and clear.
Tactile. Aware of my clothes.
Fingers are cold.
79 bpm heart rate. No change.
Not much motor function difference.
Typing fine, walking fine.

10:21 15mg

More or less the same.
Not much change.
Moved to a more comfortable location.
Sitting in my bed now, was reading on reddit prior to this, hoping the shift might give me a better sense of how I'm feeling.
I do have a minor ketamine tolerance so that could be playing into it.
And I'm also only at 50-60mg (I never fully trust my scale and I weighed out 55mg)
Drip is still noticeable.
Normally by this point on ketamine I either don't notice said drip or I start to slightly enjoy the taste.
Not sure which.
Not overly fond of this drip.
Taste is slightly sharper.
Maaayyybbeee some ever so light CEVs which is odd because my headspace doesn't feel shifted enough to have much psychedelic effect.

Crushed up 60mg more in a dish.
Estimating doses out of it moving forward.

10:45 15 mg

87 bpm heart rate. I'm sitting in bed, no real motorskill loss, I'd assume my heart rate is more to do with how I'm sitting and shuffling vs my current buzz.
Still super mild buzz wise.
Though dosage is half of what I'd do on ketamine for this level of buzz.
Mild, I'm functional.
I feel less dissociated than my usual ketamine romps.
Minor visual lag.
I feel like a broken record so far, just a touch more of the same.
Maybe it's cross tolerance but underwhelmed so far.
Also playing it safe.
If this was ketamine I'd be pushing the envelope and giving into the dissociated state more.
But since this is new territory for me I'm more reserved and not as into the trip as I could be.
Unsure if it's tolerance, set and setting or dosage
But so far it's been underwhelming.
Like a mild, more clear headed ketamine buzz.

11:12 15/20mg
Added a touch more to this bump.
Trying to keep an open mind but I have less musical enhancement so far.
I get mild to intense synesthesia with music on ketamine.
But so far I haven't had any of that.
Music is definitely enhanced but I don't feel like it's overcoming my senses.
Still very much in a musical headspace, it's just not as central to my current experience as it would be on ketamine.

Some visual distortion.
Almost looks like my keypad is moving.
There is a hint of what I can only describe as a muted 2-cb buzz for lack of better words to put to it.
At least visually.
Colours seem to pop more.
Very light on the dissociative properties so far though.

11:45 15/20mg
Heart rate still just a chill 74 bpm
More of the same.
Hoping this bump maybe pushes me past a threshold of some sort.
I'm definitely about 100mg over 2.5hours.
So far this whole experience has been very mild.
Maybe due to how spread out my dosages were.
Playing it safe timing wise. Maybe a little too safe. But rather safe than sorry.
Maybe it's cross tolerance.
Could be potency of the product I have.
Could just be set and setting, I am just finishing my work-week.
Same boring old playlist on spotify.
But so far not a replacement for ketamine.
I'm not doing myself any favors being glued to my laptop and my phone.
So I'm definitely not allowing myself to dissociate and probably a factor.

12:05 20ish mg
Did the rest of what I had crushed.
Probably the largest bump since my initial dose.
Doubt I'll do more this evening.
So far I'll note this as more than an allergy test, less than a college try.
Next time I'll pick up the pace dosing it.
Since it has a longer active time than ketamine I wanted to error on the side of caution.
Might've over done it with the caution.
My thoughts aren't that the dosage was lacking. It was more likely the timing between dosages.
Up to about 120mg total dosage.
But that's spread out over a 3 hour window and I have to assume cross tolerance exists between ketamine and fxe.
Still have that not so tasty drip.
Fingers are still kinda cold.
81 bpm heart rate.

Sativa ketamine lite. Now with 50% less calories.
Next time I explore the substance I'll pick up the pace.
I'm only half enthused still.
Getting hungry.
I think the substance maybe could have some magic to it.
I think this was a cautious toe in the water, but underwhelmed me.
Still super clear.
Must be tolerance and dose timing related.
I have full faith in the potency of the product and trust my source.
Noteworthy I had taken some ketamine previously this week.
Mild trip at 150ish mg.

So my thoughts are that a cross tolerance does exist and that skewed my dosage. I dont want to set an expectation that 120mg is a low "meh" dose. It's a complicated landscape navigating dissociatives and tolerances.

But first go at FXE was FX-meh.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117671
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Jan 16, 2024Views: 14
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Fluorexetamine (967) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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