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Mutual Reinforcement of the Effects
Ketamine & Mind Machine
Citation:   Sinjoro Psikedela Mangxis. "Mutual Reinforcement of the Effects: An Experience with Ketamine & Mind Machine (exp117710)". Sep 23, 2024.

T+ 0:00
40 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 40 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Ketamine and Virtual Reality


Report of experience under the effects of ketamine in combination with virtual reality glasses for the projection of a Dream Machine video.


The user is 40 years old, 1.85 m. tall, 91 kg in weight, mesomorphic complexion. Voltage 12/7 hg., 55 ppm. (yes, I have a blood pressure meter). Correct analytics (took the last quarter reference).


Some time ago I had a genetic analysis for health checks as a preventive measure. They found that I have multiple active copies of a gene that makes my blood-brain barrier 20% less selective. This is that every drug I consume must be 20% less than my body's calculated dose.

I mean, if I take 100 of something, in reality the best for an optimal dose is 80. After this knowledge I always adjusted the dose to this parameter and from then on all my experiences were optimal.

Dosage route

Intranasal. Substance: ketamine. Rounds: two separated by 60 minutes of shooting. Dose: 20 mg per nostril. Tool: Plastic spoon, obtained from the Fabrik cafeteria. (The truth is, it is very practical. Very much so. I recommend them) I am considering using a glass Sniffer, but because it is convenient it encourages you to redose at the slightest. And from experience I know that I cross the line (joke to song).

Plastic VR glasses that adapts a common smartphone and accesses YouTube under the term: “Dream machine”, “Brain Machine 8 Hz” with stereo headphones for listening to binaurals.

Note: If you do not read the references with the “Brain machine/Dream Machine” it must be seen with eyes closed so that the strobe effect induces VOCs.


T 00:00/23:00: I am with my caregiver, at my house. Pleasant atmosphere. Relaxed. Empty stomach to avoid ketamine nausea. But honestly, I never have them with anything. However, I always follow the risk reduction standards of Energy Control (EC) and Alexander Shulgin. After having acted as caretaker for my travel companion, we proceeded to change roles. I prepare a total of 80 mg of 100% pure ketamine and analyzed in EC and at home with the corresponding colorimeter, from the Deep Web. I suppose it must be from some theft from a pharmaceutical warehouse, that or in Holland the producers are working hard, so my congratulations to them. Four stripes, two rounds, one per pit. Mathematical plan. Furthermore, I follow the old adage that nostrils are envious of each other, because to deprive one of joy and happiness is always better to share. The first round comes in stinging but gives me the typical sensation of unforgettable freshness. And the bitter taste of pharmacopoeia. But one must be a good gourmet and never criticize the spoon that is given.

T 00:05/23:05: I notice the first sensations; ringing in my ears, slight dizziness but no upset stomach, slight disorientation.
T 00:05/23:05: I notice the first sensations; ringing in my ears, slight dizziness but no upset stomach, slight disorientation.
My caregiver made a curious discovery about balance and displacement in his session. He advises me to do the same if I have to travel. If I look at the horizon I get dizzy, the typical loss of balance. But if I look two spans at the center of the hand or the index finger for example, the sensation is cut off. It is as if the brain was suggested by the effect and took as a reference what it focuses best at short distance.

The effects advance and my perception of time flies by, chatting about inconsequentialities while a little clumsily I type the video in question on my mobile.

T 01:00/12:00: Next round. Go for the twins, the saying goes or something like that. Less spicy this time and the nose colder. Hooking up the phone, I placed it in the VR glasses with the video in question, 15 minutes long, I lay down on the bed and covered myself with the blanket. I'm a little cold. I put on the headphones and proceed to close my eyes while a cycle of alternating flashes between white and blue at eight cycles per second with binaurals at the same frequency produce sensory isolation and in principle under these conditions the brain produces other brain waves associated with the states. of dreaming, trance and meditation.


With my eyes closed, receiving pulses at an audiovisual level, I begin to slow my breathing. I use the square breathing method, an old technique that involves breathing in slowly through my nose for four seconds. Retain another four. Breathe out for another four. Wait for the next inspiration for another four. It is best to use the heartbeat that sounds in my ears, it is not an exact metronome for general relaxation, but it is fast.

By the fourth cycle I am limp like a jellyfish and isolated like a fetus in its womb. For a brief second the same visions came to me that I experienced in a previous session with the same substance. It was a memory, probably a flashback. A journey to an atmospheric and Jupiterian world. With Dalν-style necro-grand pianos and Lady from Dόsseldorf-style odalisques dancing with the clouds. With the typical color-black effect of the K.

But it comes quickly, it goes quickly. And I started to see a pattern of waves on the right and left sides of my field of vision, they're pond waves. They are located in the center and begin to produce the typical interference of closed-eye strobes. The prelude to the Dreamtime visions of the Australian aborigines. For a second I ponder how curious it is that the beatnik poets with their art will use Walter Grey's knowledge of psychology, neurology, cybernetics and anthropology to create a machine that induces trance hallucinations in electronic replacement of shamanic rituals and substances.
Image 1 (Interference patterns)

After 40,000 years the circle closes. In the framework of interference I begin to see that it is deformed, in an organic way. It is not usually the usual thing in the Brain Machine, it must be the K with its cloudiness.
Image 2 (Murakami Wave)

It becomes Murakami's waves, churning with organic fury. But suddenly she concentrates and collapses into a central point. A Big Bang future? Warning: From here on, I will refer to various science fiction themes that are part of my internal conceptual imagination due to my specific culture and education. I will put references to embedded images. And also references in sources. At first it was the mathematical point. But the point was alone, so he went to stretch his legs by taking a walk in a straight line to the right. Direction to infinity. Suddenly it was a line and it began to move like the hand of a clock. And at regular intervals he drew a target.
Image 3 (circular patterns)

The rays crossed at the point, my center of vision.
Image 4 (Platonic solids)

Then I began to generate the Platonic primitives in 2D: triangle, square,... And they were assembled to form with their grid the typical 3D computer CAD graphic of the 90s. I recognized planes and surfaces, structures and corridors.
I recognized planes and surfaces, structures and corridors.
It looked like a construction. And I realized that it was one of my favorite silicon-based aliens from science fiction in Star Trek and the one that seems most plausible to me of all: Micro-brains.
Image 5 (Microbrains)

The image in a fractal and iterative way grows in complexity to finally begin to represent valleys and crests.
Image 6 (Maze scene in Tron)

I began to suspect what it could be, and the view expanded to what I can imagine as an artificial brain. Complex, evolutionary, dynamic and emerging. It reminded me a bit of the concept of Data's brain and other fictional robots.
Image 7 (Artificial brain)

Under Shulgin's psychedelic experience rating scale I consider that I experienced a ++.


Separate note: For people who know their level of sensitivity I recommend altering the Shulgin scale to adjust it to your case. That is, if one is sensitive add a + or very sensitive ++, it operates in the opposite direction for the most resistant.



It seems that under the combination of a chemical stimulus plus an electronic stimulus, both produce a mutual reinforcement of the effects. I was inspired by Richard Feynman's earlier experiment with ketamine and isolation tanks as a way to boost himself.

You can simulate isolation tanks at home to a limited extent, if you know how. And you can have visual hallucinations after a while. With the Brain Machine it is faster and more intense. And it seems that if we add K to the formula this effect is greater. What I see is that BM with its isolation and sensory disorientation forces the brain to bring stored concepts to the visual cortex. And the K can stimulate the typical linear narrative of the correlate of human consciousness to make sense of the model of the world at that present moment. Well, we do this automatically by looking for patterns through pareidolia and meaning through narrative, as heuristics and bias at the same time to make future estimates to maximize our survival.

It must be that, in this case, he has pulled on my free association by using technology to stimulate the areas of the brain that store concepts of science, psychology, drugs, artificial intelligence and science fiction. Synthesizing everything into a beautiful visual story. And since I always prefer to paint and draw on any subject to understand it better, I tend to mentally translate practically everything into images, schemes, diagrams, maps or models. Apart from serving for one's personal development, it can serve as a complete artificial paradise and also as a way to study the specific psychology of an individual, allowing for their possible personal map. The whole experience didn't last more than fifteen minutes but subjectively it seemed like twice as long.

[Note: this trip-report was previously published under the name Ketamina y Realidad Virtual (RV) on a different site.]

[''Sources'' URLs redacted]

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117710
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 23, 2024Views: 17
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Ketamine (31), Mind Machine Devices (301) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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