What The Hell Did I Tap Into
DHEA, NAC & Zinc
Citation:   ZeekTheFormerlyMeek. "What The Hell Did I Tap Into: An Experience with DHEA, NAC & Zinc (exp117765)". Erowid.org. May 29, 2024. erowid.org/exp/117765

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So I will say I tried this substance twice, once without doing Nofap and this most recent time with Nofap. I also have suffered from ASD (autism) and anxiety. I feel like both have been lessened.

Basically, I feel an extreme confidence of not giving a fuck and burning down anything that gets in my way and I have been more motivated in my endeavors. Also my voice deepened, which was nice. The weirdest part though is I started have women come up to me and seemed interested or hit on me and further my formerly shy nerdy self started to pull shit out of me I did not think I could articulate and I would be able to flirt beyond my wildest dreams.

I also noticed this has helped me connect with my shadow and start working on some more problematic parts of myself. I am not sure if it was the testosterone boost or what, but I feel overall I am righting the ship and going in the right direction. Also my weight is slightly going down. The only downside is sometime I feel like beating up dickheads, but otherwise this has been a good experience that wipe out my depression, anxiety, and most problematic experiences with autism.

[Reported Dose: 200 mg ... but author didn't specify which of the three substances this applies to]

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117765
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 29, 2024Views: 14
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DHEA (171), Vitamins / Supplements (231) : Health Benefits (32), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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