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Pure Terror in a Room of Darkness
Citation:   artackni. "Pure Terror in a Room of Darkness: An Experience with 3-HO-PCP (exp117785)". Jan 8, 2024.

T+ 0:00
12 mg insufflated 3-HO-PCP (liquid)
  T+ 0:45 1 line insufflated 3-HO-PCP (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
I had taken 3-ho-pcp about 6 times at this point, 4 times nasally and 2 times orally, it was a random evening about 2 months ago (Nov. 2023) and I was out with my friends when we decided to take this substance. We had a total of 5 people tripping and 2 people sober and were in a closed setting, so we decided to take a higher dose (wanted to take about 12 mg each).

T + 0:00 So I weight out 60 mg of 3-ho-pcp and dissolved it into a nasal spray for everyone to take 5 hits and have ingested 12 mg. Since none of us had a big tolerance at this point. We all started to come on quite fast (about 15 minutes for me to notice the first effects).

T+ 0:30 I was feeling it hard, forgetting where I was once in a while, but shortly after remembering where I was which built quite some anxiety in me as I knew the peak was yet to come. At this point, I pretty much was staring at the ground or a wall for several minutes at a time and, when standing up, almost looking like a zombie, having no coordination and moving at a very low speed.

T + 0:45 This is where it all began to go south as one friend came up to me and asked me if he could have some more as he didn't really feel anything. Me at this point not even knowing what reality is, nor how to speak / properly walk nodded my head, went to the bathroom with him and prepared another line of 3-ho-pcp. I had double visions and tracers so much I barely was able to get my baggy out, but I somehow was able to do it and laid a line for him. But as I wasn't really able to know how much it was due to 3-ho-pcp being this potent and me not seeing anything, the line was about 7 cm long, so he said I should split it in half. I split it in half, he took the half and for some reason I decided to take the rest and go back to the rest.

T + 1:00 At this point my memory begins to fade, and I'll have to start reporting from what I've been told from my friends. The only thing I remember is that I wasn't where I was before, I was in another dimension, the room didn't appear to have size and was everything I knew, it was infinitely big but infinitely small at the same time. Also, the people talking didn't sound like people talking but rather just robotic sounds which made 0 sense to me. So from what I've been told, I just sat down with my eyes opened as wide as I could looking into nothingness while not even making a sound, looking at anyone or moving if someone was talking to me.

T + 1:30 At this point I suddenly started to shake as if I was dying (looking like as if someone tased me) for around 30 minutes.
I suddenly started to shake as if I was dying (looking like as if someone tased me) for around 30 minutes.
After these 30 mins I randomly started standing, starting to puke everywhere, running against a wall and fighting everyone that tried to stop me from doing this. Until they decided to tie my hands up and sit me down so I couldn't do any more harm to them / myself.

T + 4:15 This is the point where my memories slowly came back, I remember my clothes being full of puke with an awfully disgusting smell coming from me. I apparently slept most of the time, so when I woke up I instantly got asked how I am, to which I couldn't answer but rather talked gibberish. Time and reality had no sense.

to me, I felt like I would be in this state forever and this was my punishment from god for all the sins I had committed in my life. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep while hoping to die to bring this to an end. I closed my eyes and there was an entity telling me that this will be my punishment, repeating over and over, that I will never die, and this endless suffering won't end over and over.

T + 15:00 About when I woke up I still felt quite drowsy for the next 5 minutes, but I realized that I was back, and it finally ended. The last thing I did with this substance was taking the bag and flushing it down the toilet to not have anything like this happen ever again.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117785
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 8, 2024Views: 15
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3-HO-PCP (838) : Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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