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Infinite Bus Recursion
Salvia divinorum (40x extract)
by Salt
Citation:   Salt. "Infinite Bus Recursion: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (40x extract) (exp117804)". Erowid.org. Sep 20, 2024. erowid.org/exp/117804

10-20 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had been considering trying a salvia extract for a while before this, after around ten positive experiences with plain leaf. After a friend had offered to sell me a 40x extract for a reasonanle price, I made up my mind and decided I would see what all the fuss was about. I had read extract reports online, and couldn't really imagine salvia being as strong as some of the things I was reading after having such mild experiences with plain leaf. Its worth noting at this point I had only smoked salvia with a normal lighter, and decided to buy a jet lighter for the extract after reading online that it was recommended.

The day finally comes when I decide to try it out, so I make my way to my basement and get prepared. I turn off all the lights, grab the shitty apple pipe that I had made with a pencil and a granny smith, and put on some Duster. I decided to just start off with a pinch, and go for a second hit if needed.
I decided to just start off with a pinch, and go for a second hit if needed.
I felt a little nervous but shook it off and lit up. I began my inhale. The smoke was harsh and started to burn my lungs. I pulled away before the bowl was finished, in fear of coughing it all out. I estimate I only made it through about 3/4 of the bowl. I quickly put everything down and laid down on the couch and covered myself in a blanket. I had planned to count to twenty in my head, but in my nervousness I had forgotten. I realized this somewhere around the ten second mark, and decided to estimate it. I reached what I assumed to be twenty seconds and exhaled.

For a brief second or two, I don't feel much and began to think about a second hit. As I'm getting up however I feel what is best described as an electric sensation jolt through my body. I start to look around but realize no matter how hard I try I can't. Every time I looked to the right I felt my head turn and my vision would start to shift but it would end up in the original spot. After this something happened but it gets hazy and for the life of me I cannot remember exactly what happens besides an incredibly vague sensation of something significant occurring.

The next thing I remember is being suddenly transported to a third-person view of two dimensional cartoon characters inside a school bus. The characters themselves were incredibly vague except for their ears, which resembled that of a rabbit despite their otherwise human form. Now, what I'm about to try to explain is going to sound completely idiotic and incoherent, but try to bear with me. Anyway, something suddenly happened that causes my view to start zooming in on one of the cartoon characters ears, which would reveal it to be another bus filled with cartoon characters, creating a fractal. Everyone else on the bus would realize this and attempt to stop the zooming, but to no use. Every time a zoom would happen, the fractal would get more intense as everything got more impossibly small. After a while I started to try myself to stop it as every time the fractal reiterated, I felt a strange sensation that I cannot describe in words but the closest thing I could compare it to is raw pain. With every new bus the pain grew and as everything started to become infinitely small I started to desperately try to escape the hallucination. I was trying to will myself back to reality as I was aware that I belonged somewhere other than here even though I wasn't quite sure where. Also, with each iteration, the cartoon people would shout something along the lines of "M-stick", I know it was something more than that but that's the only part I remembered.

Eventually, I managed to succeed and forcibly willed myself back into reality. The first thing I remember after returning to reality is laughing hysterically like a madman and suddenly sitting up. I had been thinking of something that I remember being pretty funny but I can't place exactly what it was. I then tried to look left and found to my dismay I was experiencing the exact same vision shift problem from the beginning of the trip
to my dismay I was experiencing the exact same vision shift problem from the beginning of the trip
. I then got scared and wondered if I had even reached the peak yet and hid under my blanket and hoped it would end soon. I decided to check the time after about a minute of that and discovered that only 7 minutes had passed from my inhale. I found this incredibly odd as from my perception the whole bus ordeal had lasted around 20 minutes. I got up and started freaking out and promised myself I would never touch salvia again and started to eat my makeshift apple pipe in an attempt to ensure that. After the pipe was thoroughly destroyed I was still freaking out a little bit and unsure of what to do with myself. It was here when I noticed I still had a Duster playlist playing in the background and it had been completely tuned out throughout the entire trip until just now. I was still having trouble moving my vision but it was now possible unlike before. I still felt very much "off" but was comforted I was back in sweet reality instead of salvia land.

I decided I would take a shower to calm my nerves and went into the bathroom and sat down on the shower floor as the water pelted me. I took about a ten minute shower and despite my mind racing the entire time I felt a little better. However for the next hour or so on the come down I felt depressed and every time I tried to distract myself with one of my hobbies it felt meaningless and I would move on to the next one. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had just experienced and nothing seemed worth it to me anymore. After about an hour and a half since the inhale I began to feel much better and like my normal self again.

I resolved that I would never do a salvia extract again. It was eye-opening and interesting, but not enjoyable in the slightest. I'm not upset that I tried it though, and think that salvia extracts are a "try once and never again" kind of thing rather than a "never try this" kind of thing like datura or dph. I would also like to point out that based off what I've read and the fact I had such small dose, I think my experience was more comparable to a x10-x20 extract.
I would also like to point out that based off what I've read and the fact I had such small dose, I think my experience was more comparable to a x10-x20 extract.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117804
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 20, 2024Views: 15
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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