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Amazing Substance
by rk22
Citation:   rk22. "Amazing Substance: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT (exp117815)". Erowid.org. Sep 25, 2024. erowid.org/exp/117815

7.5 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT (pill / tablet)
5-meo-mipt also known as moxy. What an amazing substance.

15mg split evenly.
No other substances used for a long time.
No medications.
Good moods.
Girlfriend had slept badly the night before.
Location: cosy hotel room with big bed and separate bathroom with big bath and shower

It's a Friday evening. Me and my girlfriend decided to do some moxy. We haven't done moxy before, nor many other substances for that matter. Over the span of last year we did 2cb thrice and xtc once. Xtc was terrible in that the comedown was not nice. Very heavy and difficult to sleep. Also we were both kinda depressed for like a week afterwards. The 2cb on the other hand was really good. Light, trippy and easy and easy on the comedown.

So now for the moxy. I've researched a bit and many reports emphasized the tactile intensification which sounded interesting.
Moxy came up as a favourite for many.

We had one pill with 15mg 5-meo-mipt in it from a reputable source. Crushed and dissolved it in some orange juice (takes some time!) and split it 50/50 as you should (volumetric dosing!). Then we sat in a hot bath together. Lit two candles nearby and switched off the lights.

We started chatting and after about 30 minutes the first signs appeared.

Light headspace and some bodyload.

Bodyload is increasing considerably but not in a bad way. Topics of conversation become more deep, intense and personal.

I decide to take a shower because the hot bath is getting too much. The shower feels amazing. Skin feel is definitely increased.

We decide to get out of the bath and move to the big bed. Everything feels good. Bodyload is gone and a very good high has set in. I feel slightly frisky. She's really enjoying the oral pleasure. She writhing and squirming a lot more than usual. After a little while her first orgasm sets in. It's explosive. It's long ... very long. Biggest I've seen on her. I think I gave her another but I'm not sure anymore.

We move back into the bath. Conversation is more intense now. Very personal. We feel good. We're high. It's a good high. It's nice, pleasant, intimate. Highs come in waves. Sometimes they're almost gone but then they come back.
It's nice, pleasant, intimate. Highs come in waves. Sometimes they're almost gone but then they come back.

Back to the bed and repeated the previous actions but used fingers as well. Orgasm was even bigger. Massive explosion. Intercouse followed. Very intimate. Very tactile.

She decided to return the oral favour. It's feels like my member is twice the normal size. She's devouring it. The feeling is the most intense I've ever felt. I want it to last. It's mindblowing. She doesn't stop. When I finally explode it's like the universe exploded. I've never come that much. Superb experience.

We chat a bit more and notice the moxy is wearing off. It's a nice calm fade out.

The trip is over. We feel good. No comedown. Clear head. Good focus.

We go to sleep. Falling asleep is easy for both of us.

I wake up fresh. Get up and shower. I feel good. Have a coffee and a cigarette and the world is alright. Almost no aftermath. Slightly increased focus. Feeling good. The rest of the day is perfectly fine. No lingering effects.

Amazing substance. Definitely up for a repeat session. Might increase the dose slightly (2-3mg).

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117815
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 49
Published: Sep 25, 2024Views: 15
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : Glowing Experiences (4), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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