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Paranoid Candy Flip
Citation:   At0micFury. "Paranoid Candy Flip: An Experience with 5-MAPB & 1P-LSD (exp117838)". Sep 30, 2024.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Caffeine
  T+ 0:00 400 mg oral Theanine
  T+ 0:00 400 mg oral Smarts - Phenibut
  T+ 1:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Losartan
  T+ 1:00 8 mg oral Ondansetron
  T+ 1:00 10 mg oral Pharms - Propranolol
  T+ 2:00 85 mg oral 5-MAPB
  T+ 4:36 10 mg insufflated 5-MAPB
  T+ 4:51 10 mg insufflated 5-MAPB
  T+ 0:00 150 ug   1P-LSD
  T+ 8:53 25 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone
  T+ 9:20 25 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone
  T+ 18:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone
  T+ 18:00 1 mg oral Melatonin
Setting: Alone in my room in my apartment.

Set: I was going through minor THC and kratom withdrawal prior to this experience. I did not sleep well the night before.
I was going through minor THC and kratom withdrawal prior to this experience. I did not sleep well the night before.
I was a bit nauseous and anxious prior to this experience. I have mild depression and moderate to severe social anxiety disorder.

Substances were taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

T-2:00: 100mg caffeine, 400mg l-theanine, 400mg phenibut.

I take 100mg of caffeine with l-theanine everyday and have decent tolerance. I took a fairly low dose of phenibut to reduce pre-flight jitters and to help with the 1P-LSD later.

T-1:00: 50mg losartan, 0.2mg tamsulosin, 8mg ondansetron, 10mg propranolol.

The losartan is for vasoconstriction.

The tamsulosin is for urinary retention. I usually have a decent amount of urinary retention with 5-MAPB, although this is the first time I’ve combined them. I have used tamsulosin to successfully relieve MAL urinary retention in the past.

Ondansetron is for nausea. There has been considerable discussion on reddit about whether or not ondansetron would potentiate serotonin releasers and cause serotonin syndrome, although this certainly wasn’t the case for this experience.

Propranolol is to reduce the high heart rate and blood pressure 5-MAPB may cause as well as reduce anxiety.

This is the stack I use with all of my psychedelic trips with good success.

T+0:00: Take 85mg 5-MAPB

T+1:00: Onset, I feel a little weird and dizzy. Motor effects are weak. The effects are underwhelming and based on previous experiences I should be feeling stronger effects at this point. I decided to take an additional 20mg.

T+1:06: 20mg 5-MAPB.

T+1:13: I feel like walking around. Decent stimulation is present. Sounds sound sharper.

T+1:30: The effects suddenly start to hit stronger but are still underwhelming.

T+2:05: My hands are extremely sweaty. Some jaw tension is present but not too strong. Slight nystagmus.

T+2:10: Redose starts to kick in. Nystagmus and jaw shivering significantly increase. Cognitive effects still feel really weak.

T+2:36: Snort 10mg of 5-MAPB. My roommate and his friend in the next room are being really loud and it is stressing me out.

T+2:51: Snort an additional 10mg and reach a desirable level of effects. My roommate and his friend left.

T+3hr: 150ug 1P-LSD

T+3:35: first visuals.

T+6:00: 1P-LSD reaches peak effects. I was watching the clouds outside morph into absolutely stunning and colorful fractals. The come up was really easy with very little anxiety. There was no semblance of ego death but other cognitive effects such as thought looping were present.

One interesting effect I felt briefly was that I would feel like I would be on the verge of having an extremely profound epiphany only to lose it just as I was about to think it. This occurred a few times before I recognized what was happening.

My roommate came back (although without his friend) and started to bang on his wall for god knows what reason. I could hear this clearly even through my music which really annoyed me.

I decided to try using my vr headset (quest 3). However it started to glitch out and make random noises through the speakers (which are pretty loud) and I couldn’t get it to connect to my bluetooth earbuds. I restarted the device and got it to connect to my earbuds, but then I got really paranoid that it was still playing loud noises through the speaker even though I verified that it was only playing audio through the earbuds. I then tried to play some games but it seemed like every game had some problem with it or required me to sign in, which I didn’t want to deal with in my inebriated state. I eventually took off the headset as it was too much for me to handle.

After this point, the trip suddenly started to go south.
After this point, the trip suddenly started to go south.
I started to get really paranoid of other people and was worried that I was starting to enter psychosis. Part of the reason is that 5-MAPB tends to cause delirious type effects during the comedown and I was worried that those effects were starting to kick in. I also got really worried that this would cause permanent psychosis after the effects wore off, and I just started to feel uncomfortable and scared in general. I also started to wonder if the weird banging noise my roommate was making was an auditory hallucination (although it was probably real as it’s not the first time he has done this). I wanted the experience to end and decided to take trazodone to kill the psychedelic effects.

In retrospect, I wasn’t actually entering psychosis at all but I was just paranoid that I was. That said, I almost convinced myself that taking trazodone would make the experience worse, which could have been bad.

T+6:53: 25mg trazodone.

T+7:20: The first dose of trazodone started to work but I still felt paranoid, so I took an additional 25mg of trazodone.

After the trazodone fully kicked in, the paranoia completely went away. Mild but noticeable visuals and cognitive effects were still present for the remainder of the trip. I felt euphoric and content for the next 9 hours.

T+16:00: 50mg trazodone, 1mg melatonin, 200mg l-theanine to sleep.

T+27:00: I wake up after a long sleep. I felt low energy and slightly depressed. I took 100mg 5-HTP and my mood improved afterwards.

I was pretty disappointed that the experience went sour after coming up, although I was glad that the experience improved after taking the trazodone. I believe that the combination of slight kratom and THC withdrawal, sleep deprivation, issues using my vr headset, the annoying noises my roommate was making, and the worry that the 5-MAPB would cause delirious effects all led to the paranoia that I experienced. Next time I will probably use less 5-MAPB so that I won’t worry about the delirious effects.

Empathogenic effects were also nearly absent for the entire experience.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117838
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 30, 2024Views: 15
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1P-LSD (682), 5-MAPB (624) : Alone (16), Depression (15), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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