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You Can’t Just Go Around Smoking Orgasms
Citation:   Pralus. "You Can’t Just Go Around Smoking Orgasms: An Experience with MDPV (exp117880)". Mar 5, 2024.

5 mg smoked MDPV (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked MDPV (powder / crystals)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
    oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
Pure Euphoria

My phone rings, Ed, Hacker reads the display - A recent acquaintance I met at a drug forum anonymous meet up. One of the best nights of complete madness with 5 strangers you could ever have, but thats another story.

Get over here. NOW! Says Ed… He always was one for blunt, no nonsense communication. This is shortly followed by his flatmate on speaker phone “Yeah Now” Forget what you're doing and get your arse over here, seriously we’re not fucking about, NOW. Damn ok ok what’s so important? I ask. “Look, We ordered this new RC, We’ve got bucket loads. Trust us… you HAVE to try this shit. Right, I say i’m OMW.

I get on the bus and head over, surprisingly my curiosity and excitement building the closer I got to their flat.
I knock on the patio windows, they open immediately. I step one foot inside and before I get the chance to say Hi J stuffs a glass pipe in my mouth, a wild and inane grin plastered across his face.

Suck on this motherfucker. And don’t stop till I say. He blasts the underside with his mini bunsen burner lighter. I inhale a lungful of this unknown funny tasting compound.

The following seconds are etched on my brain like a cattle iron branding experience. The most intense euphoria hits me like a tidal wave. I keep holding it in as I look as J and Edd, I don't’ need to say anything my eyes and facial expression are already saying it. OH MY FUCKING GOD, I breath out and say it out loud this time, as if they didn’t know. The intensity of the dopamine rush is so strong it produces a type of sedation not achieved by anything other than smoking dopamine reuptake inhibitors. The type that makes you heavy breath whilst needing to sit down it’s so intense.

After a good 10-15mins I’m ready for another one. 5 mg of the clumpy, raw potato smelling powder is put in. Again, it hits me like an orgasm, just pure bliss. I’m almost speechless. Well,… That’s just completely insane I say to my buddies, my pupils the size of dinner plates. How the fuck can that be legal? I ask rhetorically. If I was on my own I’d be rapidly getting naked and into bed, covering myself in baby oil and trembling with excitement. Pro-sexual? My god like off the scale pro-sexual. I feel a new connectedness between mind and what’s in my pants, Something I feel lacking in being on the medications that do the opposite, and so is very welcome.

We continue to repeat smoking little tiny pinches slowly but steadily leaving as long a breaks as we can before the next one. The anxiety invariably creeps in as the cumulative dosage adds up. Alcohol, sedatives, some responsible intake to try and balance things out a little, trying to minimise getting completely frazzled. I stay for I don’t know how many days, using “clonk”azepam as I call it, (aka K-pins) to knock ourselves out as the only way to put the pipe down and get some all important psychosis preventing shut eye.

I’m happy to say I managed to not develop a massive addiction from a compound so intensely pleasurable. There are other times they ordered it, i’d come over but the batch would be disappointingly different. Not the same at all. This batch is just instant paranoia with none of the rush. Yuk. We talk at length about theories of why one batch is amazing the other almost worthless, synthesis route, possible \ impurities, even if it’s a complexly different compound. Perhaps that helped not develop addiction. I think back to this experience and occasionally it’s hard to not get butterflies and the thought of wanting to try it again. Nothing that feels that good is easy to forget. But as I said in a previous recollection to someone…You can’t just go around smoking orgasms.

I’m glad I don’t have access to this comp, a moment of casual curiosity could end up in sticky situation. Smoked, Quite simply the most euphoric drug I’ve ever tried, but treat with caution it’s hard to forget how incredible it feels and like I said recounting these experiences to people… you can’t just go around smoking orgasms.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 117880
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Mar 5, 2024Views: 17
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