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Unexpected but Pleasant
Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali & Cannabis
Citation:   herb liker. "Unexpected but Pleasant: An Experience with Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali & Cannabis (exp117900)". Sep 27, 2024.

1.5 g smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea
  0.5 g smoked Cannabis
An Unexpected but Pleasant Experience

Blue lotus is a plant that I had used in the past in an effort to stop using cannabis. For that purpose, the flower did not end up being effective but that is not the purpose of this report.

I had previously smoked the petals and stamens by themselves, made lotus tea and smoked it with a combination of wild dagga and tobacco. By itself, I had found it to be mildly relaxing. It gave a feeling not dissimilar to cannabis but much weaker and without the headyness, just a light body buzz with a feeling of peace within. I had experienced very mild visuals of wall breathing and the shed at the end of my garden stretching slightly as I focused on it one time. Never anything more. These visuals never lasted any longer than 10-15 minutes and didn't appear every time I consumed the plant.

On one evening this week, I decided to combine some blue lotus petals with cannabis in a joint rather than using tobacco as I usually would. I crushed the petals and stamens in my herb grinder with the cannabis to create a consistent mix for smoking, rolled up my spliff and went out to my garden to indulge.

At first, the joint felt normal. I felt a growing heavyness in my eyes as I was smoking and the characteristic warm feeling throughout my body. Towards the end of the smoke, the high felt slightly different. My body felt warm and I had that feeling of peace I had experienced before, only slightly more intense.

I decided to go back inside around 15 minutes after I had finished smoking and sat down in my room. This is when the unexpected but pleasant effects started to kick in. First, I noticed a slight pink tint to my off-white walls. The tint looked similar to how you might see an imprint of the world on the inside of your eyelids for a split second as you blink, it had an almost dreamy quality to it. Slowly, some very faint fractal patterns started to materialise on the walls. They were very faint visuals but they were there nonetheless. They looked similar to the kind of visuals I may see as I am coming down from a mushroom trip, right at the end. I had experienced something similar years prior while coming down from some psychedelic truffles, maybe around 5 hours after I had come up from them.

No later than 30 minutes after the visuals started, they faded away. The warm feeling from the blue lotus persisted for around an hour, however. This was a very mild experience but I would still say it was enjoyable. There is certainly something to the claims of this plants psychoactive properties, especially when combined with cannabis.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117900
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Sep 27, 2024Views: 15
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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