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Unexpected Two-Month-Long Edible
Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   Necro. "Unexpected Two-Month-Long Edible: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp117924)". Oct 27, 2024.

  repeated oral Cannabis - High THC (edible / food)
  50 ml oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
Hello, I would like to share the experience I had last year at a festival in France.

I will refer to hash when talking about the substance, but here in France, hash is essentially weed resin mixed with substances that make it less concentrated.

I have used a substantial amount of drugs in my life, including psychedelics, stimulants, and depressants. I have also consumed a lot of edibles and have always prepared them myself. I discovered that you could decarboxylate pretty much anything that contained THC, and I started making my edibles from hash, which felt much stronger than those made with weed.

The first time I tried this, I added around 2.5g of it to a recipe that made around 500g of cookies. These were incredibly strong, and I struggled to find a dose that wasn't incapacitating.
These were incredibly strong, and I struggled to find a dose that wasn't incapacitating.
I was very often falling asleep mid-experience, despite always decreasing the amount of cookies consumed. This was about 2 years ago.

So, these years of dosage experimentation led to the day before this festival. I made around a kilogram of cookies infused with about 1.5g of hash (which was very pleasant to smoke) and took them with me to the camping site. Note that I have always been very receptive to THC, on top of not being a regular user.

I ate one cookie at around 1pm when we arrived at the site as well as a can of 50ml strong beer. I started setting up the camp and about 2 hours later, I began to feel it kicking in very lightly and slowly. "Yay, I've nailed the dosage," I told myself, and then proceeded to take another bite since I wasn't satisfied with the high, which seemed to have plateaued already.

It was now time to head to the festival's main site. I went there with one of my friends who had only smoked a few joints and consumed alcohol. I arrived in front of the stage and the music was really cool. Only when we got to the front of the stage did I start to feel it really kick in. The effects were very strong, but I was in a very good mood and literally nothing could happen to me, so I just let it go higher and higher until I reached the point of visual hallucinations. Everything was so bright and the colors so vivid. I experienced literal brain lag, making my vision delayed, and when I would look at something else, the scene I was previously watching was morphing with the new one in a weird way, like those AIs that can mix two pictures into one. The music was magnificent and I had a really good time. This basically went on for the 3 days of the festival. I do not think I was sober the entire time, probably consuming about 100g of cookies in total.

However, this trip report is not about the festival, which was very enjoyable, but rather the aftermath.

I stopped consuming these cookies on the last day of the festival; my last bite was at 9am, and I only drank alcohol following this. The festival ended and we all went to sleep very tired. I woke up the next morning feeling a little weird, but I packed my stuff up in my car and got ready to drive home. It was only 30 minutes before driving that I felt something was off about me. I felt high but not in a pleasant way, more like a messed-up high, and I felt overwhelmed by the light and sounds. However, I felt largely capable of driving, but I was not entirely reassured. After about 10 minutes, I encountered some police cars that stopped the drivers to conduct alcohol tests. I kind of freaked out since I felt somewhat high but tried to act as normal as possible. They just let me pass through, telling me to have a good day. Thank God or whoever gave me the face of an innocent baby.

Then I arrived home without any incidents and did not realize yet that this awful high would not let me go for the next few months. I don't know how this is possible, but for the entire time, I would feel kind of high like I described the first day after stopping the edibles, but then when I would eat or drink anything, even water, the high would intensify and last for several hours. I'm glad I was unemployed at the time. I was waking up every day feeling absolutely unrested, would starve until 2 or 3 pm, dreading the time I would eat and become unable to do anything. Too messed up to think, do sports, or anything productive, even gaming was hard to enjoy. I tried fasting for 2 days straight to purify my body, but when I ate again, the high would come back again and again
when I ate again, the high would come back again and again
. I tried everything I could, but the only thing that helped me in the end was time. I was really losing my mind, having panic attacks every now and then, thinking I had permanently damaged my brain and body. Eventually, after a month and a half, the effects started to wear off, painfully slowly, but at least I felt like I was getting there. Two months after all of this, I felt normal again. The effects would come back from time to time, but nothing too impairing.

I am not sure what happened. I ended up consuming every cookie I made that day, but in much smaller amounts and not several days in a row. I had a good high and felt fine afterward.

Be careful with your dosage, and it's better to stay humble with any substances.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117924
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 27, 2024Views: 15
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Cannabis - High THC (598) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Multi-Day Experience (13), Post Trip Problems (8), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)

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