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The Best Dentist Trip of My Life
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Miss Lemon. "The Best Dentist Trip of My Life: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp11795)". Nov 7, 2018.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    repeated inhaled Oxygen (gas)
I was backpacking around Australia and at the time in Brisbane when my tooth became sooooo painful I had to see a dentist. He recommended root surgery but I am such a dentist phobic I wasn't having any of it. But the pain was so awful it was spoiling mine and my friend's holiday so I reluctantly went back for the surgery a day later.

Lying on the chair I was shaking so much the nurses couldn't even put on the plastic sheet around my neck let alone the dentist getting me to open my mouth. I'd worked myself into such a state I half fainted and they had to tip my chair right back to get blood to my head. Then the dentist said I ought to try the laughing gas to relax me enough to get the injection. I'd never had it before, I don't think dentists use it in Britain. When he put the mask on I tried to fight breathing in cos it smelt so strong and sickly but then I had no choice and it enveloped my mind and I totally relaxed.

They decided to keep the gas on throughout the operation. My whole body was so relaxed and my mind was completely detached from what was going on. All the noises of the drill and suction were very distant although the radio which was on very quietly seemed loudest of all. My eyes were closed the whole time and I could see I was in this swirling tunnel and it was such a nice feeling to begin with. Then it felt like I was going further and further away from reality and into this tunnel and I didn't think I was able to communicate with the dentist anymore. He must have noticed I was a little distressed as he asked if I wanted to turn the gas down a bit. After he turned it down a tad the experience carried on being very pleasant and I was laughing in my throat and chest as I couldn't out my mouth.

When he'd finished doing ghastly things to my tooth I was like 'is it over so soon?' I was smiling so much and felt even flirty with the dentist!

I wish my normal dentist had Nitrous Oxide as I'd visit much more frequently.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11795
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 7, 2018Views: 1,425
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), First Times (2), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Hospital (36)

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