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Unlocking Another Dimension
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Wickyrickybobby. "Unlocking Another Dimension: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp117961)". Oct 30, 2024.

2 hits oral LSD (gel tab)
    smoked Cannabis  
This trip definitely was one of my most intense and bizarre experiences of my life. It started out on a Saturday night, I bought two orange pyramid tabs from my favorite acid plug. These were the best tabs I’ve ever had so I expected it to be strong but not like this.

The trip started around 12 am, I was playing video games during the come up after smoking a blunt, keep in mind I’m alone during this whole thing. I decide to smoke again at around 3-:30 during my peak.

After smoking outside for a bit I get about halfway through and notice transparent looking people in front of me, they looked scared like they were trying to help me. I thought I went insane and started walking into the open street with cars passing. It was a scary thought I eventually got over it and went back inside.

While inside the world around me turns into visuals I can only describe as the LSD version of a DMT trip. Almost like a breakthrough, I notice in the top corner of my room those spirits that looked like my brother and his girlfriend, they were talking to me and I looked far deep into their dimension and sort of tore open the dimension of acid I was currently in and went into that other dimension. The visuals completely changed around me and I became unable to move, I looked at my arms and legs as the started to spaghettify/morph into what looked like a part of the fractal. There beings communicated with me in ways like taking over the characters in my show, speaking what seemed gibberish but I somehow understood it. I was there for what felt like an eternity, time didn’t matter at least. It was a profound experience and I think I can go beyond what I saw, like unlocking levels in a video game.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117961
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2024Views: 15
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LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37)

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