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Unexpected Potency
Cannabis (extract)
Citation:   Cairo. "Unexpected Potency: An Experience with Cannabis (extract) (exp117966)". Oct 30, 2024.

  oral Cannabis - High THC (extract)
THC Concentrate

In mid 2023, I went to a small THC bakery/cafe in Chicago. This business advertised THC drinks, which I had never seen or had before. They had a big sign on the wall stating that "30 mg of our product is equivalent to 10 mg of other brands", which I now realize is incredibly vague, but as I usually took 10mg to chill out I thought it was perfect. So I got a 30mg drink and walked to the train station, taking sips as I went. I am a very slow sipper, so I had barely drank a full gulp by the time I arrived at the station. A couple of blocks before reaching it, though, I noticed a feeling which I quickly pinned to the drink taking effect.

I pretty much knew then and there that this was a lot stronger than I thought it would be, so I stopped drinking. I can't stress that I drank at most a tenth of this 30ml drink.
I drank at most a tenth of this 30ml drink.
The next few hours really highlighted increased paranoia and associated with THC.

About 30 minutes after drinking the small amount I was pretty much a zombie, using all of my focus to keep myself upright and walk forwards. I passed the station staff and felt myself get really really anxious, as if they knew I was high out of my mind and every muscle I moved was suspicious.

I tucked myself into the last seat of the last car of the train, which, just my luck one of the security staff happened to be hanging around.

I was genuinely convinced that man was an officer and waiting for me to get to my station so he could stop me and turn me in for bringing THC on the train (I threw out the drink but I had a couple edibles in my bags).

The motion of a train paired with the altered gravity sense threw me for a loop and I pretty much closed my eyes and listened to music for the whole hour and a half ride home.

By the time I made it to my stop, I was mostly lucid but still coming down from the high.

I had the edibles I got from the same place later in the week and they were MUCH weaker.

Being out of my mind high in a downtown metropolis was a horrifying experience but one I can laugh at, I'm still baffled that that little of a substance got me so high (especially since I'm not exactly thin).

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117966
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 30, 2024Views: 18
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Cannabis - High THC (598) : Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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