Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Uniquely Euphoric
by Noir
Citation:   Noir. "Uniquely Euphoric: An Experience with N-Ethylhexedrone (exp117978)". Sep 23, 2024.

35 mg insufflated N-Ethylhexedrone (powder / crystals)
    repeated vaporized N-Ethylhexedrone (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated N-Ethylhexedrone (powder / crystals)
I'm a big fan of Cathinones. I've tried 3-MMC and 4-MMC. They are all a bit similar but different in their own way. I just love Cathinone compounds for some reason. I feel like they're very under-rated. They aren't very popular where I'm from, though I hear that they're much more popular in the UK... I am from the US, so if I mention a cathinone, people are like.. "what's that?". Coke is much more popular here in the US. So this is a rare find.

Anyway, I'm always interested in trying new things.. so I figured I'd give Hexen a shot since it's a cathinone-type compound. So here is my experience with it! It's been on my bucket list of Cathinones to try, as well as NEP, and possibly A-PVP, among others...

I like to write my trip reports when they're still fresh in my memory, so this experience happened last night...

I started off kind of slow to kind of 'test the waters' with it, so to speak.

I scored a gram of this stuff, just to try. It came as a slightly 'OFF-WHITE' powder that's kind of clumpy but easily crushable. No crystals or shards. It 'looked' a bit caustic.. (I can just tell when something looks caustic. By 'caustic', I mean that it looked like it was going to burn my insides. Very easy to crush and break apart. It looked reminiscent of 4mmc, where it kind of has a sparkle to it under certain lights.

I started off with 35mg weighed out carefully, which was the recommended 'common dose'. I made a nice little line with it and railed up my left nostril (My preferred side for snorting substances).


I started to feel it right away... I immediately felt energized. It wasn't until about 5-10 minutes that the effects started to build. I could feel as soon as the drip hit my throat is when the euphoria started to take effect.

The euphoria is a little bit hard to describe, actually. It's very unique. It's not like a whole body kind of euphoria. It came in waves. I first felt a tingling sensation at the top of my head, then it slowly became more prominent throughout my whole body. I did feel a lot of vasoconstriction. To the point where I was having heart palpitations and my chest felt very tight and sometimes painful near my heart area. Well the euphoria was very unique. It almost made up for the heart palpitations and chest tightness. It just came in waves... where it would start at the top of my head and move through my entire body. Literally like riding a wave. I could feel a lot of vasoconstriction though, which worried me a bit..

So anyway, about 30 minutes went by and I decided to redose because the pleasurable effects seemed to be fading, leaving me with a sort of uncomfortable (but functional) stimulation. My heart was racing, so I felt like I needed to move my body around. I tried to read a book, and my mind seemed surprisingly clear headed. I could understand what I was reading just fine. I wasn't 'out of it', I was actually pretty functional.

Okay, so I redosed again, this time I decided to try vaping it. From my research of this substance, it seemed like vaping it was the way to go. So I got some tinfoil and tried vaping it.. but I'm not very good at it.. and also, it didn't seem to do anything. I might have to convert it to freebase form before vaping would be effective. I tried vaping it for a few hours but to no avail. I might have felt mild stimulation but nothing amazing.

The pleasurable effects lasted about an hour.
The pleasurable effects lasted about an hour.
So I went, took a break from all of it, came back and decided to give it another shot... this time I took a bigger sized dose. I kind of eyeballed it. It looked like about 80-100mg.

One thing that should be taken into consideration is that it's very fiendy. I immediately want to take more, even though I JUST did a line. But from my research and prior experience with Cathinones, this was to be expected. Almost all Cathinones are fiendy and cause compulsive redosing. I was okay with it. I tried not to feel shame about redosing.

So anyway, the next line I did was about 80-100mg and whew baby, that shit hit me pretty fucking hard that time. Same effects as before, except my whole body was tingly and I felt a lot more euphoria. What's really interesting is I felt it come in waves. So I laid down in my bed and just embraced all of the sensations I was feeling. The good and the bad, The vasoconstriction and heart palpitations were pretty bad but it was equally pleasurable waves of euphoria.

I ended up redosing another line sometime after that. Same effects. Hardly any diminishing results. I ended up redosing 80-100mg lines a few times and every time it hit me pretty dang good.

The pleasurable aspects of it were VERY pleasurable. Especially laying down in bed, I felt pretty good. I began to feel very horny, which is what I expected. I won't go into too many details about that... but I ended up trying to get off, which didn't really work... but it felt SOO good at the same time, just to touch myself. Because I was felt very sensitive to touch.

It does keep me awake for a while with residual stimulation. My heart is racing but I'm not feeling euphoric anymore. My blood pressure feels bad so it was hard for me to do anything besides lay there.

I redosed one last time before I went to bed.. but I had to take some benzos to actually bring me all the way down in order to sleep.

Today, this morning, I feel pretty good. My blood pleasure feels like it's back to normal again. My eyes feel very dry for some reason. I feel a little tired, but I'm glad I survived all of those intense heart palpitations.
I'm glad I survived all of those intense heart palpitations.
Just be careful with those. I wouldn't recommend anyone with heart problems to take this substance. It seems pretty harsh on the cardiovascular system.

Worth a try? Yes! Are there better alternatives? Yes! For instance, I'd rather take 4MMC over Hexen.

If I started to feel miserable during some parts of the experience I would drink plenty of water, be in a safe environment, and not take it if I'm not in good health. The next day I'm feeling okay, so I try not to worry about the negative effects too much. Sometimes it felt like I might have a heart attack but I will most likely be fine! And lastly, I keep some benzos on hand when it comes time to come down and go to bed. Eat food, take care of yourself, but have fun.

It is a pretty euphoric substance. I don't regret trying it. It's pretty hardcore though, especially at higher doses. But it's only at higher doses where the euphoria really begins to make itself known. It can be a very pleasurable experience.


Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117978
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Sep 23, 2024Views: 15
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N-Ethylhexedrone (738) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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