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Two Basic Stages of Effects
Citation:   Horhe. "Two Basic Stages of Effects: An Experience with 2C-B (exp117980)". Oct 1, 2024.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 5:00   smoked Cannabis  
The Subjective Effects of 2C-B

I would like to share my experience with 2c-b (2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromophenethylamine). I've done the hydrochloride salt and the hydrobromide, with the latter being more water soluble and about 13% less potent per mg than the HCl (due to bromine being heavier than chlorine).

One afternoon we're sitting down in my room with another acquaintance of mine and we're about to drop 20mg 2c-b.HCl in gel caps. Down them with water.

First alerts. A feeling of anxiety and not being at ease, along with strange feelings typically associated with psychedelic drugs.

The odd feeling and emotions are becoming more and more exacerbated. To the point where I feel I'm about to have some sort of outburst. It feels as if it's emotionally pulling me in some unfathomable direction.

Absolutely no visuals, only weird feelings literally pushing around my mood in a flowing fashion from being uplifted and happy to uncomfortable, all while having a strong push towards having some sort of outburst or even breakdown.

Suddenly it is as if a switch got flipped. Suddenly the pushing feelings have toned down significantly, almost disappeared
Suddenly it is as if a switch got flipped. Suddenly the pushing feelings have toned down significantly, almost disappeared
, and a kind of buzz has taken over, along with it incredible visual distortions which did not have any shape, but rather objects and surfaces were flowing and melting and if you looked closer the colors green, blue, yellow and red were present in a kind of splashed fashion. The mind is completely clear and my thinking is very sober.

A new feeling of a grandiose spiritual revelation is possessing us and our surroundings. I'm going through a sort of emotional rollercoaster of very unique angelic and cold synaesthetic feelings which intertwine with the visual effects. I am having moments of incredible insight and extremely novel and philosophical realizations (more in the form of an expression) about life and the world, coming to my mind every 5 minutes or so.

I have adapted to the effects and they've toned down. This compound is pleasant and incredibly light on the body and the psyche and provides feelings of spiritual insight (unlike its alpha methylated derivative DOB). It is however shallow and although it does possess a more serious aspect, it leans a lot more towards being playful (unlike LSD). Throughout the next 2 hours the visual distortions continue along with the synaesthetic phenethylamine buzz which lets me taste the feeling of a cold emotion, oscillating between different colors, feelings and a bit of anxiety (all reminiscent of a psychedelic experience).

Pretty much back to baseline. We smoke some cannabis to see if we can kick it back up and the buzz becomes transformed into a cannabis euphoria with the visuals becoming more hazy but still much less prominent.

Absolutely no trace of having consumed any compound, very peculiar. Not feeling tired, drained or strained mentally, fascinating.

So consuming 2c-b orally provides the user with 2 basic stages of effects. Throughout the first hour you get a lot of different emotions which are pushing you very strongly almost to the point where you're about to have an outburst of laughter or something else very weird. Then precisely after the 1st hour a lot of visual effects become present and the pushing emotions which seem absolutely humane and yet unbearable transform into an otherworldly and angelic synaesthesia which oscillates between a myriad of picture perfect psychedelic effects as well as self-imposing philosophical realizations and views about reality. These effects oscillate and repeat themselves until they fade out towards the 4th hour and you feel like it's lacking. It then wears off and it's as if you hadn't even done any drugs, no hangover, thinking is unaffected, absolutely normal and sober.

Consuming it intranasally at 8mg provides the effects of these two stages all at once, starting to peak at the 10 minute mark (can lose the ability to speak with a larger dose), throughout the 1st hour it's really intense, throughout the second less so but still pretty visual, throughout the third hour it is lacking. It again wears off and it's as if you hadn't ingested anything - completely sober and unaffected. When I consumed 15mg or more I did not notice an amplification of psychedelic effects, it was heavier and more intense but that only detracted from the experience by inhibiting my thinking mind and preventing it from exploring the new state it had been subjected to. Snorting the HCl salt made my face go numb, it didn't have a taste nor a drip. The HBr salt didn't make my face numb, but it smelled and tasted absolutely foul and was slightly less potent per mg, overall I would not recommend it at all.

I have had one weird experience where after insufflating 8mg, at around the 40 minute mark for about 5 seconds I felt the most terrifying fear while walking down the street
I have had one weird experience where after insufflating 8mg, at around the 40 minute mark for about 5 seconds I felt the most terrifying fear while walking down the street
, so terrifying that I froze and I thought that the world is going to end. It really was the most incredible fear I had ever experienced, never has such a thing ever happened to me and it was completely random, not triggered by anything (perhaps thought projection from the illuminati).

Overall this is a kick-ass compound possessing a very well rounded package of effects. It's very beginner friendly. No jaw clenching, teeth chattering, no hints of nausea and severe discomfort, it wears off and I'm completely sober without a comedown, it is beautiful in combination with other substances such as LSD and ecstasy.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 117980
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 1, 2024Views: 16
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2C-B (52) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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