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Should've Found Out About This Sooner
Morning Glory (seeds)
Citation:   Navaryn. "Should've Found Out About This Sooner: An Experience with Morning Glory (seeds) (exp117997)". Sep 21, 2024.

380 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
One day I was walking around our village with my sister and came across some beautiful blue flowers. I couldn’t recognize them but she could, and told me that what we were looking at was Ipomea Tricolor. Being a curious soul, I googled the name of the flower to get some additional info on it – that’s when I discovered that the seeds of Ipomea Tricolor contain LSA, a substance I had no previous experience with. LSD is probably my favourite substance, and I was enticed by the supposed similarity between the two and the ease at which LSA-containing seeds can be obtained.

The day after I went to our local garden shop and, to my surprise, I easily found the seeds at a very cheap price. The vendor also proudly informed me that those were organic – I wonder if he knew what I was buying them for? Anyway, it was a nice bit of info, as I have been reading that those seeds are often coated with toxic chemicals to discourage human consumption.

Back at home I followed a relatively simple cold water extraction technique. I distilled some water and let it cool, then I proceeded to finely grind the seeds after rinsing them (which led to about 20ish seeds being discarded) and added it to the water which I had acidified with some lemon drops (I will admit – I read that lemon “helps” the extraction, but I couldn’t find any literature about this. So, I just did it anyway assuming some lemon juice wasn’t going to kill me). I shook vigorously the jar for about 10 minutes, allowed it to sit for some hours, and then proceeded strain it twice through a cotton ball. The result was about 250mls of water with a yellow-brownish tint. It was getting late, so I left the mixture in the fridge.

The day after I drank the mixture shortly after waking up (I usually don’t have any breakfast anyway, and I figured it was better to be on an empty stomach just in case). The taste was meh, not disgusting but not pleasant either. I drank the concoction at about 8:00 AM. I decided to sit on the couch and watch some Always Sunny In Philadelphia as I waited for the effects to kick in.

8:30 - A slight sense of nausea started to kick in, which was totally bearable but noticeable. The nausea “peaked” just before the 9:00 AM mark, and then quickly subsided. The nausea was replaced by a weird (but not unpleasant) physical feeling. I recognized the “tingles” due to vasoconstriction, pretty much equal to what I would experience on LSD. But other than that, I also felt a sensation in my muscles. They were not sore, aching or anything like that – I just felt the need to stretch out all the time.
I also felt a sensation in my muscles. They were not sore, aching or anything like that – I just felt the need to stretch out all the time.
When I did, it was as if my muscles where whirring, vibrating.

9:00 – At this point the need for stretching became more prominent, I was on my couch just rolling around, flexing muscles, stretching joints, my spine… It was very pleasant. I remember realizing that my movements were sort of rhythmic and thinking that it felt like dancing very slowly. I spent a while in that state, smiling and giggling, almost ecstatic due to that beautiful sense of physical euphoria.

9:45 – Now the stretching phase is over, I still occasionally did it throughout the trip but it felt like after the last hour I had stretched more than enough. My body felt smooth, healthy, it’s hard to describe. That pleasant feeling made for a good frame for the more mental effects that I would start to experience around this time. I started feeling slightly spacey, relaxed, to the point where I turned off the tv and just sat there, pondering. That’s when I definitely noticed that something outside of placebo was happening to my mind.

The first perceptual effect I noticed was auditory. An helicopter flew above my house (mountainous area, helicopters are an uncommon but not rare occurrence) and while it usually didn’t bother me, this time It did. As I heard it pass I found myself with a grimace, I couldn’t think about anything else besides that noise and I felt like I couldn’t wait for it to be over. It lasted like a minute and did not spoil the trip at all, but that adverse psychological reaction to some specific noises would be a constant throughout the trip. Other examples included the vibration of an unanswered phone and the sound of a truck passing by my house.

Visually speaking, nothing is happening so far.

10:30 – at this moment of the day, I feel at peace. My mood is relaxed and happy, I spend the time just thinking about stuff, an endless train of thoughts that are only tangentially connected. I decided to put on some music – The normal music I listen to felt a bit overwhelming, too fast paced and as it had too much “variety” in its noise. I opted for some classical music and that felt way better, a perfect soundtrack for my thoughts. When I focused on the music, It was as if could hear individual instruments, the mathematical structure of the music just “made sense” even if I understand absolutely nothing about music. I noticed some strong emotional responses to some bits in the music, I felt like the artists were talking to me directly. Emotionally, it was like living experiences I have never had. I even cried at some point, but it was a “nice” crying. I was smiling as it happened and I swear I could feel the cortisol seeping out of my body. Some slight visual distortions are happening, but they seem weaker than what I would experience on LSD. Some hue shifting, noticeable macro/megalopsia, and patterns would show up on neutral surfaces if I stared at them long enough. Interestingly, those patterns were much less regular and organized than those generated by LSD or even Psilocybin. They felt almost random.

11:30 – 12:00 – upon deciding to rest my eyes for a bit (in a stark difference with LSD, instead of wanting to go out and move I felt relaxed almost to the point of lethargy) I notice that there are some CEVs going on. They appear mostly in shades of grey, with some dashes of unsaturated colour. I did not see “patterns” or geometry, the shapes were irregular and resembled what you would see on the surface of a still pond upon touching the water. Like “waves” made of grey and white, dancing to the music. Similarly to the distortions I described above, I was surprised by the randomness of the shapes and lines I was seeing. It was interesting, as there always was something new to “see” while on LSD I would eventually notice the same patterns and shapes showing up throughout the trip, to the point I would sometimes lose interest after some hours of tripping.

My mind is wandering, I feel like everything I think about is very important and I feel an urge to share these thoughts with someone, to talk to people.
My mind is wandering, I feel like everything I think about is very important and I feel an urge to share these thoughts with someone, to talk to people.
This is particularly weird for me, as I am introverted to the point where my psychologist informed me that I could get a diagnosis for a Schizoid personality disorder if I wanted. No other drug ever made me feel like that, it was as if for some hours I could experience what it was like to have a normal social drive. That was the only bad part of the trip. The side-effect of this feeling was that it made me realize how alone I am. It usually doesn’t bother me at all but in those moments my mind was stuck on that, and everything I looked at screamed “lonely”. The room started to feel cold, empty. I felt a tightness in my chest, and I realized that I was sitting with my arms around my body – essentially hugging myself. It was not nice, but in retrospect I am happy to have found out that those feelings do exist in me. It’s weird that that never came up during my numerous experiences with various dosages of other psychedelics.

12:00 – 14:00 – Even though I am still feeling very relaxed and lazy, I opt to look for something to do in an effort to snap out of that feeling. I pick drawing, something I have been doing on and off for decades. I get in the artsy mood very quickly, and I noticed an interesting difference in how I drew; usually I am very precise, slow, lots of planning and lots of erasing and redoing, few and thin but meaningful lines. But now, I felt like I was using my pencil as a brush. I drew almost violently, without any planning or even a clear idea of what I wanted to draw. I just started with random shapes, and when I saw a subject in those shapes, I kept drawing over it. The individual lines did not matter, it was chaotic but beautifully clear in its lights and shadows. The result was a drawing that looked far less scientific than my drawings usually do, but much more expressive and “alive”. I draw mostly human figures, and I remember thinking that for the first time I really did capture the “essence” of a person. I looked at my older drawings and I thought they looked flat and uninspired in comparison.

14:00 and onwards – After 14, the effects gradually start to subside. I get some energy back and decide to go for a walk in the woods around my house. It was beautiful. Just walking, immersed in the sounds of nature. I grew up in those woods and I felt a strong sense of belonging, I realized how meaningful that place was for me. I spent about two hours wandering the woods, just thinking, thinking, thinking. It’s a shame I didn’t bring my diary with me as I felt like I had some great ideas, but then again absolutely anyone on psychedelics feels that way.

I make a mental note of spending more time in the woods next time I do this. The colours, sounds and even the smells are simply lovely, it had a marvelous effect on my overall mood. I felt like I could give everything up and live there, in a small hut far from anyone. That though made me chuckle as in “yep, good old asocial me is back”.

I get home by 17, and at this point my mood is still elevated but I feel lucid – lucid as in I could be working or studying without loss of efficiency. That feeling of elevated mood persisted into the night, and I felt finer than usual the day after too.

All in all, it was a pleasant experience, and I definitely will try larger doses in the future, possibly experimenting with other extraction methods and other LSA sources. This is of course subjective, but the method I used resulted in very acceptable levels of physical discomfort.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117997
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 21, 2024Views: 15
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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