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It Felt Like I Was Underwater
Amanitas (A. pantherina & A. regalis)
Citation:   Shinfinity. "It Felt Like I Was Underwater: An Experience with Amanitas (A. pantherina & A. regalis) (exp118020)". Sep 28, 2024.

10 oz oral Amanitas (tea)
Into The Ocean of Amanitas

04/02/2024 —— Time of Dose: 5:00pm

(T-26:30): Took 62.5% Pantherinas and 37.5% Regalis (both from [vendor]) and made a 10g mixture of the two. I powdered them up (I later learned that this was a mistake as it was hard to strain) and added them to 8oz of water already boiling in a saucepan. I tried to turn down the heat until the mixture was simmering at 190°F, but had issues. I put the stove on the lowest setting and the temperature plateaued at 206.6°F. (I will try other methods in the future keep the temperature lower) I added 0.35g of citric acid to the simmering water to get the pH to below 2.7. After letting it simmer, occasionally adding water and checking the pH to keep it below 3.0. After simmering the mixture below boiling for 30 minutes I strained out the mushrooms with a cheesecloth. I then checked the pH to make sure it was still in between 2.5-3.0. I then let the tea continue to simmer. I took it off the stove to cool down after an additional 1.5 hours (2 hours in total). This made sure my amanita tea was about 66% decarboxylated and ready for consumption. I also made some concentrated ginger and cinnamon tea using a further 2oz and added imitation honey. This upped the pH a bit, reduced nausea even further, and got rid of the mushroomy smell. Adding the further 2oz made it so I could more easily dose the tea as I now had 10oz. I then put the tea in the freezer to let it cool down much faster.

(T-19:00): I moved the amanita tea to the fridge from the freezer before going to bed in order to get some good sleep the night before the experience.

Final Preparations (04/02/2024)

(T-01:00): I had a small snack instead of dinner so I didn’t get the munchies on the come up.

(T-00:15): I prepped some cold cranberry juice as a chaser for the amanitas in case it tasted off. I got everything ready and prepared for a very long night.
I prepped some cold cranberry juice as a chaser for the amanitas in case it tasted off. I got everything ready and prepared for a very long night.

The Experience (04/02/2024)

(T+00:00): I took the mixture out of the fridge and prepared my first dose. I held my nose and drank 6oz of the tea as I planned to save the remaining 4oz for later in the trip. It didn’t taste as bad as I thought and the cinnamon and honey definitely helped a lot. It tasted like a bit like apple pie. I chased with the cranberry juice, sat on my bed, and started to relax while listening to the Spiritchaser album by Dead Can Dance on my TV.

(T+00:45): Slowly feeling the euphoria and tingles creep in slowly while I relax on my bed, still listening to the album. Starting to feel like dancing. Everything felt so much funnier so I continuously laughed a lot.

(T+01:30): I felt an overwhelming urge to walk around. Walking is weird and I feel like I’m walking on a ship that’s out in the ocean swaying back in forth. No vertigo or nausea though, just feeling amazing and buzzy. Also slowly feeling more and more euphoric and upbeat. Overall feeling super bubbly and super relaxed!

(T+02:00): Gotten used to walking and now it’s easy and I feel light as a feather. I drank the remaining 3oz of tea once again chasing with the cranberry juice. Tasted even better the second time as I was already pretty drunk off the amanitas. Then I started listening to the Hallucinogen In Dub Live album on my TV.

(T+02:30): Nice mid range euphoria and lots of peace. Everything feels very wavy especially when I close my eyes. Getting small, occasional twitches. Took some some keto gummy worms that my tongue seems to like even more than when I was sober. Still gleefully watching the live hallucinogen on the TV. Also turned my LED lamps to a magenta color in order to be easier on my eyes.

(T+03:00): I was really feeling the amanitas now so I used the smart TV to put on the Sphongle 2019 Red Rocks concert. Felt like I was floating in the air. Put on a thin long sleeved fishing hoodie in order to feel even more comfortable. I started feeling a bit taller and straighter (like with Mario takes he mushroom). Relaxed my body fully on my bed and my eyes were glued to the TV. I feel like it will be a while before I make another update as I am enthralled by the show the TV is putting on.

(T+05:00): I most certainly have peaked at this point! I felt a crazy amount of euphoria and was still able to talk, but every so often I’d mess up my words. It felt like I was underwater yet was able to easily move, but typing was really hard. When I closed my eyes it felt like I was floating at the bottom of the ocean. I started to see barely visible monochromatic blurry wave patterns and card patterns that match and yet overcome the darkness when I kept my eyes closed. Everything when I relaxed my eyes was a bit wavy and moved a bit as if it was dancing. The world around me was truly dancing! Truly fascinating! I went outside and lit a fire in the fireplace. I sat back in my rocking chair back and forth outside as I watched the flames flicker brightly while listening to handpan music.

(T+06:00): The waviness of objects has slowly gone away. The wavy monochromatic patterns still populate my closed and relaxed eyes. Starting to get very tired and yet I feel so good and calm. Everything feels good in the world. I am content and so is my mind. I begin listening to Younger Brother’s Vaccine Electro album to keep myself awake. Sleep feels tempting as I watch the flames dance in the fireplace and I continue to wave in my mind. I will fight the sleep for as long as I can! Time seemed to almost stand still and minutes felt like hours as I contemplated this music and the innermost workings of my mind.
How did I work and why? A complex question, but in this ever slowing segment of time this question fascinated and drew me in. An answer was needed and I was determined to find one in this vast sea of time and space. Many other questions populated my mind during this time that I wanted answers to. Only answers to my complex questions would put me at peace.

(T+07:00): Now having answers to my many infinitely complex questions, I was content in my existence and felt at peace with the universe. Time eventually began to flow as normal once more. I moved back inside as the fire dimmed, my eyes heavy. I laid down in my nice warm and cozy bed content at a night of healing and amazement! This is probably my last update till the morning as I am coming down slowly and fighting my eyes to not fall asleep. Sleepiness may soon win me over. I feel incredibly relaxed and it’s so hard to keep my eyes open as the euphoria turns to sleepiness. I listened to the Flux & Contemplation (Dj Mix) album by Simon Posford and Sphongle as I continued to drift off to an ever so tantalizing slumber.

(T+14:00): I woke up feeling content and a bit hazy, still a bit euphoric from the experience. I feel amazingly refreshed and renewed. I had had crazy psychedelic dreams while I slept soundly. I always seem to get the best sleep after amanitas. I will have to do a higher dose next time and see where it takes me.

Reflections (04/03/2024)

Overall this experience was amazing and was about as perfect as I could have had it. The tea additions definitely helped with the smell and taste! The music was also a star of the experience, making the trip even more mystical. I had an amazing experience and I’m so glad I did it. I learned so much about myself and my inner workings. I always love this mushroom so much! I will definitely have to do this again but take the tea with some blue lotus since it synergies well with the amanitas!

Thank you for reading and make sure if you follow the recipe make sure to respect the amanitas and they will treat you well!

Stay safe out there!

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118020
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Sep 28, 2024Views: 16
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Amanitas (5) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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