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Apart From the Traditional Methods of Brewing...
Citation:   Horhe. "Apart From the Traditional Methods of Brewing...: An Experience with Coffee (exp118025)". Sep 27, 2024.

6 g oral Coffee (ground / crushed)
Substances of Interest: Coffee

I personally enjoy coffee a lot, usually only in the morning, especially when the weather is warm. I can have a light breakfast and some coffee in the morning and it is enough for the rest of the day. When it's cold outside I find that coffee doesn't do enough so I just don't drink it and I switch to green tea. I have found that taking a triple dose of my daily multivitamins on the day of cessation significantly delays and reduces the severity of the tension headache and the flu-like symptoms I experience upon discontinuing use. I do experience very-very severe withdrawal symptoms. After three days of use they are 100% guaranteed. Sometimes I'll taper off by gradually ingesting smaller and smaller amounts, but paracetamol can also help.

Obviously I would not be writing this unless I find there is something of utmost importance to share. Apart from the traditional methods of brewing ground coffee beans, I just so happen to have discovered something very extraordinary. I am talking about adding excessive amounts of ground coffee to a custard and layering cake sponges along with it, or making fudgy brownie stuffed cookies, where the brownie filling has a lot of ground coffee. At this point I didn't have tolerance to caffeine. Upon consuming two pieces of cake for breakfast I became extremely stimulated and euphoric. I was very much in a flow state and words and ideas were pouring out of me. These effects easily surpass any energy drink and any strong and dark brew I've tried. I have found that consuming the whole coffee bean provides a much smoother effect, a more gradual ascend and long-lasting stimulation. I also felt like I experienced much stronger antioxidant effects, I wasn't jittery and I didn't have a crash in the afternoon, nor did I have withdrawal symptoms the next day.

I strongly advise trying this out as I think that the state this put me in was nothing short of psychedelic. My mind was extremely punctual, elevated and I was grasping and handling concepts and ideas, putting in some very interesting work. This route of administration truly let the power of the coffee bean shine, and I realized how powerful of a drug it really is. I consumed approximately 6tbsp of ground espresso in two pieces of cake without tolerance, so say a few months of break.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 118025
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 27, 2024Views: 16
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Coffee (173) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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