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Still, a Psychedelic Overall
Citation:   ziomale. "Still, a Psychedelic Overall: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp118049)". Erowid.org. Sep 30, 2024. erowid.org/exp/118049

T+ 0:00
5.7 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 12.7 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
Charting 2c-T-7 Territories

First, I took 5.7 mg. After 30 minutes, I felt nothing, and I decided that the dose was too small for any effects, so I made the call for a second dose. I weighted 12.7 mg and took it. Both doses in a glass filled with water. The substance didn't dissolve at all, so I drank the water with floating specks of 2C-T-7. Total dose: 18.4 mg

In summary, it was a pleasant experience with no negative effects.

37 minutes after taking the second dose, I began to feel the first effects. By effects, I mean any sensations that deviate from my usual sober state. It was the typical onset of a phenylethylamine psychedelic. My mood improved, and felt excited.

After 45 minutes, the effects were pronounced enough to rule out any placebo.

I felt a psychedelic aura around my thoughts and reasoning. My ability to think logically was intact, but somewhere in the depths of my mind, I sensed a subtle influence of the psychedelic mindspace. Visually, I noticed the first changes - colors became more intense and everything was pulsating. I didn't experience any body load.

I felt good, slightly dazed with euphoria.

When I looked out the window, everything seemed like there was hot air shimmering between me and the point I was looking at, like a heat haze.

55 minutes after the second dose, I decided to go out to the store to buy some sweets because I suddenly felt the urge for it.

As I was in the elevator, I noticed that time seemed to pass faster. The elevator was going from a high floor to the ground, but when it reached the first floor, it felt like it should already be on the ground floor.

I felt lightness in my legs, as if I weighed 10% less.

During the walk, I felt like I noticed more details and saw things I hadn't seen before. It seemed like I could see the movement of every branch on a tree and even every single leaf. Colors were so vivid that I felt like I could see more colors than my eyes could perceive.

I also noticed significant depth perception distortion. I saw a building in the distance with a tree in front of it. The tree seemed to move away from me while the building appeared getting closer. I can imagine that on higher doses of this substance, moving through space could be challenging.

I went to the store and of course, there were people inside. It might be interesting from the perspective of my research, how I reacted to other people. Usually, with psychedelics, I tend to feel stressed, and my social anxiety reaches its peak. With empathogens, however, I always feel confident, and people don't cause me any anxiety. With 2C-T-7 I felt more of that slight anxiety and reluctance to be among people, although it wasn't extreme like it is with 4-subbed tryptamines. I didn't feel too anxious walking around strangers. I mostly didn't care. Confidence, familiar from empathogens like MDMA, broke through, but it was subdued by the intensification of the psychedelic social anxiety. In summary: I felt more anxious than I would if I was sober. But it wasn't as intense as it is on, for example, 2C-B or any other regular psychedelic.
I felt more anxious than I would if I was sober. But it wasn't as intense as it is on, for example, 2C-B or any other regular psychedelic.

I noticed slight signs of body load. Occasionally, I feel heaviness in my stomach. Sometimes cold, sometimes hot. Minimal nausea, really. The whole bodyload is such that you can ignore it - but its just me and I've heard many people complain about heavy body load on this substance.

After 85 minutes from the last dose, I began to wonder how I would compare this substance to 2C-B or mescaline.

The conclusions are that it definitely differs from 2C-B in terms of greater empathy and stimulation. Visuals - I don't know, maybe 2C-T-7 performs better here? But I'm not sure about that. Maybe it's the same. Mescaline - as above, but I would also say that mescaline has a much greater mindfuck and influence on thinking than 2C-T-7, on which I can think relatively soberly.

I also come to the conclusion that it's not worth taking this substance alone at home. It's too lively, and I felt the urge to do something. I took it alone at home, though. Just because I prefer to take new drugs like this - with small doses, safely and at home. My next time with this substance will be most definitely not at home.

By psychedelic standards, 2C-T-7 is the most stimulating and empathogenic psychedelic I've taken (excluding things like AMT, which for me is no longer a psychedelic but has crossed the barrier of being an empathogen).

After 2 hours from the last dose, I checked how the CEVs are. Their immediately reminded me of a Lava lamp. They were slowly drifting abstract shapes. They didn't move to the rhythm of music, they were independent of it. I've encountered such CEVs with other phenylethylamines.

Every now and then, intense waves of euphoria, stimulation, and empathy appeared. And during these waves, I could risk saying that it's 50% empathogen and 50% psychedelic. But only for the duration of these waves. Because if I were to average it out, I would say it's 80% psychedelic, 20% empathogen. Still, a psychedelic overall.

The peak of the experience occurred around 2h45m after the last dose. Then, the effects began to fade, but they're still present. In my case I would say the duration of this drug is 6h, and then an afterglow, for an unknown time. Most likely until the next day.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118049
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Sep 30, 2024Views: 15
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2C-T-7 (54) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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