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Blissful Hole and Meeting My Female Self Possibly
Citation:   oxo117. "Blissful Hole and Meeting My Female Self Possibly: An Experience with DMXE (exp118054)". Sep 27, 2024.

60 mg rectal DMXE (liquid)
  60 mg rectal DMXE (liquid)
I had quite some tolerance and experience with other dissociatives (arylcyclohexylamines (PCXs)) so do not start with such a high dosage as I did.

This was truly the most euphoric experienced induced by any dissociative I remember having ever experienced.

That night I dosed 60mgs of DMXE twice so 120mgs within 1hour, rectally/plugged using a 1ml syringe with no-needle, just water.

I was laying in bed, right beside me was my window, it was winter in Scandinavia and the stars were shining besides me.

The comeup was fast but easily manageable, the body high was strong, muddy similar to 2-oxo-pce but with a much warmer character although still numbing.
The comeup was fast but easily manageable, the body high was strong, muddy similar to 2-oxo-pce but with a much warmer character although still numbing.

On my headphones I was listening to electronic music, I can't exactly recall what it was, possibly psytrance or even Japanese Touhou like music but then I closed my eyes and laid back. Very quickly I felt my body shooting and stretching very fast into one gigantic green vein like being, very slim, I was seeing myself from a third person perspective as that very big humanoid vein in the void, it felt incredibly relieving.

The space I was in was pure white light, never before did I hallucinate something so bright and on a dissociative, typically its the opposite for me.

I do not know for how long I have been there in that white space of bliss, but it must have been at least 3 hours, the next thing I remember felt very close to home for me, it was an alive female-shaped green head, its structure was just as if they picked it out of an unfinished N64 videogame, it went through my body within that space and turned around a couple of times until it left.

Its energy felt lovely, motherly, I tried speaking to it laterally but it gave no lateral answer, just feelings which felt right.

There happened alot more within these 3 hours but it seems like I only really remembered the moments during which I was also able to think laterally.

There were also other entities, I remember yellow and red colors but what stuck with me was the last green one, it had such a humanoid facial structure, not very detailed but definitely female and projecting a sort of motherly love.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 118054
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 27, 2024Views: 15
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DMXE (926) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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