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Shaggy, This Isn't L
Whisky & DOM
Citation:   Hapilydamaged. "Shaggy, This Isn't L: An Experience with Whisky & DOM (exp118118)". Sep 27, 2024.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 0:00 1 bump oral DOM (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 1 bump oral DOM (powder / crystals)
Had been looking for Lucy for a long time. After years of looking here and there my best friend Bud said he could get me in touch. I had been drinking whisky that night so there was no hesitation. Was there in minutes.

I was handed a bag of powder... I always practice the 3 Ss. Self Substance and Source. Thought all 3 were covered so I went big. That was a mistake. This was not crystaline L. It was DOM/STP.

I intended on taking a large dose of L so being cautious (so I thought) I got a little powder on my finger and licked it. Looking back I'm guessing this was about 15-20mg. Already waaaaaay too much! We were watching music videos online. Electronic trippy stuff. After almost 2 hours and being familiar with L I wasn't feeling much so I assumed I went too light and did another finger touch to the powder and licked it.

About 45 minutes later I decide I no longer needed my glasses. I'm damn near blind without them but by that time textures were crawling and the glasses weren't helping. Why worry about them? I was coming up fast. I can divide the majority of the adventure into the following:

Casino: Bud and I were hanging out at a casino made out of a giant circular couch around 50ft. In diameter with a spinning sparkling golden chandelier display in the middle like a multi-tiered cylindrical slot machine. I talked him into gambling a huge amount of money and we lost. He was cool about it and said he wouldn't have bet it if he didn't have it to play with.

Always Ready: It was a bright and clear sunny day. I was sitting at an old wooden table and bench that was on the side of a hill with tall green grass that was flowing in the wind. There was a dirt path like a cow trail down the hill a bit. I had a long view up the path. There was a hunting rifle permanently affixed to the table. Its sight was focused directly at a particular point on the path. I was waiting and watching for someone or something to come down the path so that I could pull the trigger when they got to the point on the trail this rifle was fixed on.

Sleigh Team: There was a team of horses with their reins actively braiding with the ones on the horse behind it as it came into view and forming a miles long line of horses infinite in both directions. They were running past me by but I was moving with them just at a slightly slower speed. Never found out what they were pulling...

Encryption Totem: Had data encryption on my mind a lot that week I suppose and I had this vision of a beam of light that became surrounded by a totem made of endless doors and windows continuously closing around the previous one causing the totem to be thicker and more sturdy and protected. These were almost clean 3d shapes, not doors and windows like on a house. It wasn't rapid, around 1 per second or a little faster than that it seemed. They would close in different ways, each unique and difficult to describe and lasted quite some time.

Smoke Entities: 5 different entities consisting of brightly colored smoke (almost primary colors) sat in a void. It was like they were working on invisible touch screens. Pointing at different places in the space in front of them. Moving slowly and deliberately they would move their pointer finger around and touch this invisible screen or maybe move as a conductor of an orchestra would, but so very slowly. There was a trail of smoke coming off of the finger but it wasn't following their finger, the smoke went first like it was in reverse and their finger followed.

I came out of my dream state because Bud was yelling at me. I was standing there urinating in the middle of his kitchen. He obviously put me outside at that point. I remember just laying down on the sidewalk and rolling around for a while. (I was later told that I was letting out long vocalizations during that time that could be heard from inside the house by Bud.) Not screaming or yelling but just loud AAAUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH type sounds. This went on until I had to urge to use the bathroom again. I knocked on Bud's door and he told me to go home (yeah, no kidding). So I walked home (a few doors down) and spent the next few hours in the bathroom tripping and purging. I had it coming out both ends. I'll leave it at that. It was no fun.

Passed out after that. Woke up to my studio apartment thrashed... I mean it was like a tornado hit. Everything knocked over. I had to be at work in a few hours!!! Just a mess in every direction! Still drunk and tripping and not being able to find my glasses or cell phone I decided to take the long winding drive into town to find a phone to call into work and let them know I wasn't going to be in that day. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
So I'm pulling onto the road in my retired police interceptor (crown victoria luxury car undercover police version) just floating along when I start to notice small rainbow colored prisms appearing and twinkling on the windshield. The sun was low and hitting these miniscule chips in the windshield glass and making fractals in my eyes. The line down the middle of the narrow road looked just like random squiggles. Now there's some kind of a weird parade coming in the opposite direction too?! What is this crazy parade for? What are they celebrating? Is it a holiday or some local thing?! I'm confused by what is actually just a slow driver minding the curves on the narrow mountain road while a long line of frustrated drivers behind them that wanted to pass.

Arriving in town, my goal is to call out of work and the nearest gas station must be my answer so I pull in. What actually happens is that the poor gas station attendant sees this hippie looking dude with wide eyes gets out of an undercover police car and stumble over to her window. Now at this point I'm fairly sure I'd had a bit of a stroke. The right half of my tongue is frozen in place. With half a working tongue I slur "I need to use your phone, can I use your phone? Don't you have a phone in there?" Obviously I was out of luck and figured I'd better get myself back home. Made the trek. Didn't kill anyone in the process with my idiotic action of getting behind the wheel. Please never drive intoxicated friends. It was irrisponsible and dangerous and I could have killed someone or myself.

When I got home I found my shoes sitting on my porch with my cell phone and glasses tucked safely away by Bud. Called out of work then went to Buds to clean up the mess I'd made. Ended up eating a tiny dose of mushrooms and had a bowl of pot to zone out on to calm down.

After around an hour of cleaning up my apartment my tongue unraveled. I felt the muscle release all the way in to the back of the base of my skull when it happened. I later learned that I hit my head rather violently a couple of times that night.
I later learned that I hit my head rather violently a couple of times that night.

Experienced violent twitches in my jaw a few times per day (usually when I was talking) for a few months after that. Luckily that does not persist for me.

Have done it nasally a few times since then. I jokingly say I'm having the "tine of my life". I don't have an instrument that can weight it properly but just the tiniest bump on the end of the tine of a fork taken nasally is enough. Something that probably amounts to 2-5mg depending on crystal density will have me awake with mild effects for 10-20 hours. The trip feels emotionally cold. This substance doesn't care for me like L or mushrooms do. I didn't feel love from it. Felt like I'd been abandoned by the universe to dwell in space and time alone for the night. Granted I was alone for this trip as I am on most. Maybe it would be nicer in a festival setting. Not my style though honestly. I'm an astronaut.

It was harsh that first time but I was being taught a lesson. The lesson learned is to test your substance. Even if you know yourself and trust the source and know what it is supposed to be, test a little of it first. Test kits are not expensive and they can save your happy ass! Have fun weirdos!


Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 118118
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 27, 2024Views: 15
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DOM (20), Alcohol - Hard (198) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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