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Treatments Every Seven Days for CRPS
Ketamine (IV)
Citation:   Stacie. "Treatments Every Seven Days for CRPS: An Experience with Ketamine (IV) (exp118130)". Sep 26, 2024.

180 mg IV Ketamine (liquid)
I have been diagnosed with CRPS, or RSD (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) in my left ankle and leg. This condition manifest after a broken femur and left anterior ankle ligament severing, followed by three surgeries in the affected areas.

Three years ago, after exhausting other forms of treatment (physical therapy, yoga, massage, thai-qi, qigong, acupuncture anti-depressant medication, meditation, and others), I finally submitted to ketamine IV therapy.

Ketamine IV therapy is the only treatment which had any positive effect on my condition.
Ketamine and C.R.P.S.

I currently undergo IV Ketamine treatments (180 milligram infusion over 60 minutes) every seven days. The change in my pain/allodinia is palpable. The effect lasts only a couple of days, but the difference is life-changing for me.

I use the IV treatment in conjunction with acupuncture on the same day as the infusions.
I use the IV treatment in conjunction with acupuncture on the same day as the infusions.
The acupuncture treatment increases the efficacy of the IV treatment and provides longer lasting relief from pain.

I am not included in any pain trials.

However, with the pain relief aspect of the regular ketamine treatments has come another aspect. A different dimension of existence. In these treatments, I am transported to another space, not this plane of existence. The dimension is inexplicable.

Initially (the first six months of treatments) the space was foreign and disturbing. Over the last year, it is more comfortable, and I am more accepted by the entities that inhabit this space. Gravity is not the same as it is in this dimension. I can float without this same body (or vessel as it is referred to by the inhabitants of this other dimension).

The treatments have shown me that we are all data vessels. Our D.N.A. contains limitless information about us and our universe. We are all one, and everything is connected.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 118130
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 52
Published: Sep 26, 2024Views: 17
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Ketamine (31) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Entities / Beings (37), Health Benefits (32), Therapeutic Session / Clinic (55)

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