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No Therapeutic or Spiritual Value
Citation:   Mr. Herman. "No Therapeutic or Spiritual Value: An Experience with Tianeptine (exp118193)". Oct 25, 2024.

750 mg oral Pharms - Tianeptine (capsule)
I wanted to provide some insight for the benefit of others due to the surprising scarcity of information regarding this drug -- so I appreciate anyone taking the time to read my thoughts on the matter.

I've been off kratom for some time and was curious about tianeptine, so I bought a product that contained a proprietary blend of tianeptine and two other herbs. (I do not know what effects could be attributed to the herbs, but from what I've researched, their effects are negligible when taken alone, especially at such low doses hence why I have decided against including them in this report.)

The tianeptine product -- which will go unnamed -- was sold next to the shop's kratom. I performed cursory research before this little excursion. After asking the cashier about it, it was clear I knew more about it than he did -- and likely the majority of customers who buy it.

Even before taking it, I was reflecting deeply on how problematic this whole affair is. I know kratom very well, so the thought of someone seeing this product next to it and thinking it might be similar or even the same substance is concerning. To make matters worse, the aforementioned clerk didn't even know what it was.

Aside from research chemicals that are designed to hurt people, I don't think there's anything particularly sinister about any substance -- including tianeptine. I just find this whole legal drug market to be problematic because our society is severely ill-informed on not only the topic of drugs and pharmacology, but also human health and science in general.

We as a society need to stop chasing opiate highs, plain and simple. All I have to report is that tianeptine delivered a familiar opiate buzz that was a bit overpowering. It caused noticeable respiratory depression, cloudy thinking and even some chest tightness, followed by a sudden come down that left me feeling sad.
It caused noticeable respiratory depression, cloudy thinking and even some chest tightness, followed by a sudden come down that left me feeling sad.

It was a very dirty opiate high. I use the word "dirty" because it was not clear-headed. The come down was just too abrupt and unnatural, but the oddness of the lingering psychological effect was very unpleasant. Even more than 12 hours later, my sleep was restless. The tianeptine left me feeling extremely tired, yet I couldn't sleep. And once I finally managed to, my dreams were very strange, lucid and jumbled.

Main report: Felt the effects I described approximately 45 minutes to an hour after ingestion. They came on strong and faded after about 90 minutes. The addiction potential seems high due to the brevity of the effects, short half-life, sudden, unpleasant come down and concerningly sudden rise in tolerance. (I took one more capsule the next day and more or less had the same experience, but the high was diminished.)

I strongly advise against the use of tianeptine. There's no spiritual or therapeutic value in it.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118193
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 25, 2024Views: 15
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Pharms - Tianeptine (466) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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