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John Adams
Hemia myrtifolia & Tobacco
Citation:   Cavalier. "John Adams: An Experience with Hemia myrtifolia & Tobacco (exp11820)". Erowid.org. Jan 3, 2005. erowid.org/exp/11820

  smoked Heimia myrtifolia (dried)
    smoked Tobacco (dried)
After reading that Sinicuichi was effective when smoked (and that smoking avoided the unpleasant taste of the traditional sun-tea route), I resolved to give it a go. One quiet weekend afternoon, I rolled a small amount of dried hemia myrtifolia leaf with a pinch of tobacco to make a thin cigarrette. It made for a smooth smoke. The results were immediately notable: before I had finished the first half, a feeling of heaviness - of gravity pulling down on all my limbs - passed over me like a wave. There were none of the purported 'auditory hallucinogen' effects, but I did feel a pleasant sensation of relaxation and detatchment. In dialing a phone number, I found myself consciously moving my finger to touch each button in what would normally have been an unconscious, automatic motion. Despite all this, my thought processes remained totally clear. The high faded out slowly over the course of the next forty minutes. I didn't notice any side effects or hangover.

In conclusion, I found the smoked sinicuichi experience to be quite similar to cannabis. I was impressed by my first encounter and expect to give this substance another try.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11820
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2005Views: 13,892
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Heimia myrtifolia (333) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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