Mostly Mild
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation: AbuelaHuachuma. "Mostly Mild: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp118208)". Oct 23, 2024.
DOSE: T+ 0:00 |
25 g | oral | Cacti - T. pachanoi | (dried) |
T+ 1:30 | 15 g | oral | Cacti - T. pachanoi | (dried) |
BODY WEIGHT: | 180 lb |
Travelling in Andean Perú, cactus powder is widely available in traditional markets. Did a toss and wash of 25 gm with a glass of water at 1230 pm and another 15 gm 1.5 hrs later.
Didn't have access to a weighing scale so above measurements are estimates from using the 125 gm packet. Had 1/3 of the packet finally.
The slurry water with the powder stirred-in is very difficult to drink. Gulps of water, strong mints, and fasting for the day helped consume and keep it in. It was hard for me to take more than this.
Listened to traditional shaman chants on a playlist for 2 hrs while meditating during the onset. It felt like a light trip at the end of it with mild closed eye visuals and imagery after minutes of conscious un/focusing. Opening my eyes brought me firmly back to normal, very clear headed.
Then slow walked for 3 hrs (7 km) at a large Incan archaeological site - has a hike, multiple vista spots up climbs, caves, monumental ruins. When resting, and appreciating everything, very minimal to no open eye visual imagery. Closed eye is more intense but walking in ruins is not conducive to experiencing closed eye for long time. Walking here was really fun but felt like I could have been on cannabis. Body felt heavy and tired.
Returned home, more intense closed eye visuals continued during meditation for another 3 hrs. Very pleasant, mind melding sights of multiple levels and planes but I'm very much in control and can just open my eyes to return to relative sobriety. Don't remember any difficult experience. Feels great to be connected to a 5000 year old ancestral Andean medicine/teacher. Conversation is bit slow. At 8 pm, I'm tired and starving and have a large meal. I sleep like a log by 11 pm.
Exp Year: 2024 | ExpID: 118208 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 32 | |
Published: Oct 23, 2024 | Views: 15 |
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64), Meditation (128) : First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53) |
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