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Waves of Tranquility
4-HO-MiPT, Cetirizine & Cannabinoids
by PJ
Citation:   PJ. "Waves of Tranquility: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT, Cetirizine & Cannabinoids (exp118224)". Sep 27, 2024.

  IV 4-HO-MiPT
  1 tablet oral Pharms - Cetirizine
    repeated vaporized Cannabinoids
30 year old male, 6ft tall, 180lbs. Recently was able to acquire pure miprocin fumarate from an online clearnet vendor. I have a pretty extensive history of drug use spanning experimentation with virtually all major drug categories.

I received my package containing a small amount of Miprocin fumarate, and rushed upstairs to my apartment. When I got upstairs, I excitedly tore open the parcel, and stopped to observe the MSDS and CoA confirming the goodies I had just received. Having never gotten the opportunity to find such pure psychedelics, I was understandably overwhelmed with intrigue. I remembered that I kept some 27 gauge 1/2cc syringes in my essential oil mixing kit, and decided to join the vanishingly small number of people who have tried intravenous psychedelics.

I headed to my bathroom, and opened the small mylar envelope to reveal a small plastic bag filled with a light brown powder. I opened the smaller bag, and carefully poured a small flake of the substance into the orange top cap of the syringe. I then used the syringe to measure out about .2cc of sterile water, shoot it into the cap containing the miprocin salts and stirred. I then drew the solution (it didn't dissolve easy) into the syringe and found an appropriate injection site.

Upon injecting the substance, the effect wasn't immediate. I stood up and within 10 seconds started to feel the negative effects of tryptamines begin to hit hard, along with some minor visuals. My stomach began to wretch and I was afraid I would have to vomit. The effects were coming on quite heavily now, and I was tripping hard, make no mistake. I began to fear for my life, feeling foolish for not preparing better, doing an allergy test, my throat felt numb, would I go into anaphylaxis? I managed not to vomit, and grabbed my day bag from the floor and laid down on my bed in the fetal position. In my psychedelic delirium, somehow, I managed to find a Zyrtec tablet and take it, just in case I had an allergic reaction.

The next half hour or so I spent coping with the body load
The next half hour or so I spent coping with the body load
, I had a hash oil pen, and a jar of broad specturm CBD nearby, and also managed to take a glob (aprx 50mg) of the CBD, and took a few puffs of Hexahydrocannabinol in a vape pen. The cannabinoids certainly seemed to mellow out the trip and brought me into a new headspace. While still on my bed, I managed to get out of the fetal position and laid down on the bed with my arms extended out. For the rest of the trip, I had waves of visuals that would temporarily abort to a clear head space where I almost felt normal, only to have another wave of intense psychedelic introspection and visuals crash over me. As the trip wore on, these periods of clear headedness became longer and more lucid, and the effects slowly wore off over the course off 3 hours.

I think it is worth noting that after the initial body load, the peripheral effects of the drug turned into an intensely pleasurable body high which almost felt like a mix of opium and MDMA. The visuals felt very organic and reminded me of other tryptamines, but this substance had less body load, and was more recreational in my opinion. I have tried this substance on other occasions since the IV experience, and I believe that the effects are distinct for each route of administration. I do believe the antihistamine taken on during the IV experience smoothed things out, and lessened the body load, as did the CBD distillate and Vape pen. The arm I injected the substance in felt as though it had more of a body high feeling in it, which persisted even for hours after the high ended...It felt as though it were basking in warm fuzzy sunlight.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118224
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 27, 2024Views: 15
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