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Completly Out of It
Citation:   Tyggger. "Completly Out of It: An Experience with Ketamine (exp11823)". Aug 28, 2002.

200 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
It all started when my friend J. got back from a trip to mexico, and called me on the phone. I learned he was lucky enough to bring about 150 (10 cc.) vials of Ketamine back with him. He brought two different brands, one called Anesket (clear vial) and another called tokkyo (brown vial). I bought one of each from him for a minimal cost, forty dollars, and went straight to Walgreens to buy some syringes.

Then my ex (K.) and I went to another J.s house (I know too many damn people with that name). He was thrilled when he saw what I brought with me, and I told him I'd give him 50 units (half a cc.) to try. After I gave him the shot inter-muscularly (in his shoulder), I gave K. 150 units the same way. Next I took 2cc.s myself (way too much for my first time).
After 5 or 10 minutes, one tear came from my left eye as it suddenly kicked in. I became dizzy and nauseaus. As I began to peak, I realized why Ketamine is called a dissasociative. I was completly out of it. My coordination was completly screwed (I wobbled to the bathroom to throw-up), but I liked the feeling at the same time. I felt like I went to my own little world set-aside from reality where I could ponder the recent events in my life (I had been going through hard times). I was a little afraid at first, but after a little while I felt more comfortable with what was happening and what I felt my current place in the universe to be. I must note at this point that any refernces I make to time might not be completly accurate as time had no real meaning after my shots.

While all of this was going on in my head, I was sitting at a table swerving back and forth. I learned from other witnesses who were less out of it than I was (they were on coke, but are frequent users who know how to handle it). After swerving for a while, I fell forward and broke J.s table (J and I called it even because he coerced K. into giving him the money back for the table).

I cannot really remember the whole night, just bloches, but I remember grabbing my bag full of needles and the vials and walking back to K.'s car to go home (walking isn't really the word for it though, as I was more staggering and swerving then anything). Both of us went back to my house and my dad was asleep so we snuck in, not wanting to deal with him bitching at us for being fucked up. Then we both went to bad and fell asleep.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11823
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 28, 2002Views: 23,874
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Ketamine (31) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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